Subsidiary Settings Manager
The Subsidiary Settings Manager page enables you to manage subsidiary-specific features for one or multiple subsidiaries. After you enable a subsidiary-specific feature on the Enable Features page, that feature is available on the Subsidiary Settings Manager page.
Depending on the feature, you may have to enable the feature at the subsidiary level before you define additional settings for specific subsidiaries. For example, the Period End Journal Entries feature must be enabled at the subsidiary level after you enable it at the company level. After you enable it at the subsidiary level, you can define additional settings for that subsidiary.
Another example is the Intercompany Framework feature. When you enable this feature on the Enable Features page, NetSuite automatically enables it for all subsidiaries. From the Subsidiary Settings Manager page, you define default cross charge classification preferences for this feature.
On the Subsidiary Settings Manager page, you can also view the state of subsidiary-specific features relative to the list of subsidiaries.
To access the Subsidiary Settings Manager page, go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Subsidiary Settings Manager.
If you have permission to enable features, you can also access the Subsidiary Settings Manager page from the Enable Features page. Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. At the top of the page is a message about subsidiary–specific features. This message includes a link to the Subsidiary Settings Manager page.
The Subsidiary Settings Manager page lists the active and inactive subsidiaries to which you have access, and their respective country and currency. You can filter the subsidiaries that display in the list by searching for a subsidiary name in the Subsidiary field. The Subsidiary field supports a partial name search. You can also filter the subsidiaries list by selecting a country, currency, and whether the subsidiary is inactive.
Column Sorting
You can sort the subsidiaries list by clicking the Subsidiary, Country, Currency, Inactive, and feature column headers. One click sorts a column in ascending order . A second click sorts the column in descending order
. A third click resets the column to the default sort order. The Inactive column appears when the Inactive filter does not contain a value.
Settings Icons
The Settings column displays a settings icon for each subsidiary. When you click a settings icon, the Subsidiary Settings page for that subsidiary opens. Each subsidiary-specific feature appears on its own subtab, where you can enable the feature and define its additional settings. For example, the Period End Journal Entries subtab enables you to define the additional settings for that feature.
NetSuite lists subsidiary-specific features in individual columns. When you click a feature’s settings icon, the Subsidiary Settings page for that feature opens. You can enable that feature for one or more subsidiaries, and then define unique settings for each selected subsidiary. Each subsidiary-specific feature opens its own page. For example, the Subsidiary Settings for Period End Journal Entries page.
Feature columns do not appear on the Subsidiary Settings Manager page until you enable a subsidiary-specific feature at the company level. If you have permission to enable features, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. Enable a subsidiary-specific feature, and then save. For information about enabling features, see Enabling Features.
After you enable a subsidiary-specific feature at the company level, you might have to enable the feature at the subsidiary level. If you enable a subsidiary-specific feature for at least one subsidiary, you cannot disable that feature on the Enable Features page.
Some subsidiary-specific features cannot be disabled after they have been enabled. For example, you cannot disable the Intercompany Framework feature. However, when the Intercompany Framework feature is enabled, it is enabled for all subsidiaries.
You cannot define a subsidiary-specific feature’s additional settings for elimination subsidiaries.
Subsidiary Settings Manager Permissions
Your user role must have the Subsidiary Settings Manager permission to use the Subsidiary Settings Manager page. This permission enables you to view or edit subsidiary-specific features and their additional settings for subsidiaries to which you have access.
The Subsidiary Settings Manager Edit level permission is assigned to the standard CFO role.
The Subsidiary Settings Manager View level permission is assigned to the standard Accountant role.
You can add the Subsidiary Settings Manager permission to any role when you customize a role on the Manage Roles page.
To add the Subsidiary Settings Manager permission to a custom role:
Go to Setup > Users & Roles > Manage Roles.
On the Role page, click the Permissions > Setup subtab.
Set the permission level (edit or view) for Subsidiary Settings Manager.
Click Save.
The Subsidiary Settings Manager permission is independent from the Subsidiary permission located on the Permissions > Lists subtab. These two permissions support the separate responsibilities for maintaining subsidiary information and configuring features on the subsidiary level.
NetSuite displays a page that prompts you to select a different role if you attempt to use the Subsidiary Settings Manager page without adequate permission.
NetSuite displays a permission violation if you attempt to access a subsidiary record to which you are not granted access.
Related Topics
- Subsidiary Settings for a Single Subsidiary
- Subsidiary Settings for Features
- Introduction to NetSuite OneWorld
- Subsidiaries in OneWorld
- Subsidiary Setup
- Set up NetSuite OneWorld
- Intercompany Preferences
- Intercompany Framework
- Automated Intercompany Management
- Viewing Open Intercompany Balances
- Associate Subsidiaries with Entities and Items
- Consolidated Reporting in OneWorld
- Subsidiary Navigator
- OneWorld ERP Accounting
- OneWorld CRM
- OneWorld and SuiteCommerce