Creating Custom Advanced Templates for Pick Tickets

You can modify pick tickets generated from released waves by customizing the advanced print template, Standard Pick Ticket/Pick Report PDF/HTML Template. You can display more fields on a pick ticket, update the field arrangement, and perform other such customizations. For information about the standard pick ticket for released orders, see Printing Pick Tickets from Wave Transactions.


To access and create advanced print templates, you must enable the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature in your account. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates Feature.

If you want to display more standard or custom fields, first you must add the fields to a custom pick ticket saved search. You can create multiple templates to display fields from a single custom saved search. Make sure that you have the internal ID of each field you want to add to a template. For more information, see or Internal IDs for Standard and Custom Fields in Field Level Help Window or Creating a Custom Pick Ticket Saved Search.

To create custom advanced templates for pick tickets:

  1. Using the Administrator role, go to Customization > Forms > Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.

  2. From the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates list, click Customize for Standard Pick Ticket/Pick Report PDF/HTML Template.

  3. If you want to display standard or custom fields from a pick ticket saved search, do the following:

    1. On the New Element subtab, you can find the section or table where you want to display the field.

      The pick ticket template includes the tables for single and multi-order picking types. You can use the Source Code editor to add or remove elements from the table for one or both picking types. For more information about picking types, see Printing Pick Tickets from Wave Transactions.

    2. On the upper-right side of the page, click the Source Code toggle.

    3. On the Source Code editor, configure the internal ID of the field in a new or existing section or table column.


      By default, the table for single order picking starts at Line 164. To find tables or other elements for single order picking, you can search for tags with picktype==“SINGLE”.

      For example, you want to display a custom field after the Pick Task # column of the table for single order pick tickets. You can add the table header and table data tags and set the internal ID of the field as follows:

      • Table header – After the line for the pick task number column heading (Line 175 by default), you can copy and add a <th> tag with its default attributes. Set the internal ID of the custom field for the label.

        <th class="thStyleOrderItem" style="width:8%">${lineitem.samplecustomfieldID@label}</th>

      • Table data – After the line for the pick task number data (Line 200 by default), you can copy and add the corresponding <td> tag with its default attributes. Set the internal ID of the custom field for the cell or data.

        <td align="center" class="tdStyle" line-height="100%" style="width:6%" vertical-align="middle">${‌lineitem.samplecustomfieldID}</td>

    4. For each tag, you can modify attribute values, like width or vertical alignment, fit the data within the columns of a table or margins of a page. For more information about source code editing, see Source Code Editing to Customize Advanced Templates.

  4. If you want to set your custom template as the preferred template for custom wave forms, do the following:

    1. Click Template Setup.

    2. On the Template Setup popup window, check the Template is Preferred box.

    3. If you want to replace the template name, in the Title field, enter the template name.

    4. Click Save.

    For detailed instructions, see Template Setup Window.

  5. Click Save.

After you create your custom advanced print template, you can assign it to a custom wave form. Your wave form can use the custom advanced print template to generate pick tickets. For more information, see Creating Custom Wave Forms.

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