Set Up Matrix Items for Grid Order

After enabling Grid Order for your domain, you can set up matrix items to display options as a grid. Grid Order is available to matrix items with one or two matrix item options. A shirt with size and color options is a good example of an item that can use Grid Order.

To set up a matrix item to display item options as a grid:

  1. In NetSuite, access the matrix item to which you want Grid Order to apply.

    Search NetSuite for the matrix item or go to Lists > Accounting > Items.


    Set Grid Order for the Matrix Item record (parent), not the Matrix Subitem.

  2. Click Edit next to the matrix item record you want to edit.

  3. Go to the SuiteCommerce Extensions tab.

  4. In the Grid Order area:

    1. Set the Grid Order Behavior field to determine how the item displays information in the PDP.

      Select from the following options:

      • Default Site Behavior – Choose this option to turn Grid Order on or off for as many matrix items as you want at one time, using the Activate for All Matrix Items field on the SC Configuration record. If Activate for All Matrix Items is checked, an order grid displays for items with Default Site Behavior selected.

        For more information, see Configure Grid Order.

      • Always Activate for This Item – Choose this option to display the matrix dimensions of this item as a grid, ignoring the default website configuration.

      • Deactivate for This Item – Choose this option to deactivate the purchasing grid for this item, ignoring the default website configuration.

    2. Check the Show Stock Quantities option to display the in-stock quantity in the grid. Clear this option to hide quantities in stock.

      For items that are out of stock, this option follows the Out of Stock Behavior set on the Item record. For more information, see Setting Web Store Back Order and Out-of-Stock Preferences.

    3. Check the Activate Stock Notifications option to display a Notify Me link in the order grid when an item is out of stock and not available on backorder.


      SC Stock Notifications extension must be installed and activated on the same domain to be used in conjunction with this extension.

  5. Click Save.

Integration with Other SuiteCommerce Features

This extension integrates with the following SuiteCommerce features:

  • Quantity Pricing – If Quantity Pricing is enabled, any option in the grid that includes quantity pricing options displays an expandable price chart. See Quantity Pricing for details.

  • Stock Notifications – If your domain employs the Stock Notifications extension, each tabulated item includes an option to sign up for a stock notification email. See Stock Notifications for details.

  • Require Login for Pricing -If you have enabled Require Login for Pricing and the user is not logged in when viewing the PDP, the Grid Order extension does not appear. Instead, a message displays asking users to log in to see the price. Clearing the Require Login for Pricing box on the Web Site Configuration record allows users to use the Grid Order extension without being logged in. For more information, see Shopping Basics.

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