Item Badges

The Item Badges extension lets you display promotional badges on a product. Item Badges appear on the Product Details and Product Listings pages, as well as in image carousels. You can use these to promote certain products to users by choosing the label, shape, and size of the badge.

Item Badges

Commerce extensions are only available if provisioned, installed, and activated for a selected domain in your account. For more information, see Commerce Extensions.


Extensions require SuiteCommerce or the Aconcagua release of SCA or later.


This extension does not support assembly or kit items. It only supports inventory items.

This topic explains how to:

Set Up the Extension

To set up the extension, you must add fields to your site’s field sets. The field sets for a website determine the data that is exposed to site templates. To employ the Item Badges feature, you must add the Badges (Custom) and Show Item Badges (Custom) fields to the site’s field sets. For more information about field sets, see Define Field Sets.

To add Item Badges fields to the Web Site Setup Record:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Website List.

  2. Click Edit next to the website to which you are adding Item Badges.

  3. Go to the Field Sets subtab.

  4. Add the Badges (Custom) and Show Item Badges (Custom) fields to the details, search, related items, and correlated items field sets. To add each field to each field set, perform the following steps:

    1. Locate the Fields Included in Field Set column and click the Set button.

    2. Select the fields from the Field Name list and click Add.

    3. In the Field Set window, click Submit.

    4. In the Field Set row, click OK.

  5. After adding the fields to all of the field sets, click Save.

Enable Item Badges for an Item

For Item Badges to display on your products, you must enable the badges at the item level. You can update item records individually or use Mass Update to update badges for a whole category of items. Mass Updates related to Item Badges can be found in NetSuite in Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates > General Updates > Custom Records > Item Badges and Shapes. For more information about using the Mass Update functionality, see Mass Changes or Updates.

To enable Item Badges for an item:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Lists > Accounting > Items.

  2. Click Edit next to the item for which you want to add an item badge.

  3. Go to the SuiteCommerce Extensions tab and the Item Badges and Shapes subtab.

  4. Check the Show Item Badges box.

  5. In the Badges to Display field, select the badges you want to add to this item.

    You can select a maximum of three badges to display for each item.

  6. Click Save.

Configure Properties

To determine how Item Badges display on your website, configure the properties on the SuiteCommerce Configuration record. You can choose where to display the badge on the product image.

To configure properties:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Commerce > Websites > Configuration.

  2. Select the website and domain where the Item Badges extension is activated and click Configure.

  3. Go to the Extensions tab and the Item Badges subtab.

  4. In the Badge Position field, select where to position the badge on the product image.

  5. Click Save.

Create or Edit an Item Badge

You can customize the badge text, color and shape by editing an existing item badge or creating a new one. To edit or create an item badge, you will make changes to the Item Badges and Shapes record.

To create or edit an item badge:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Customization > List, Records, & Fields > Record Types > Item Badges and Shapes.

    The Item Badges and Shapes record can also be found in Lists > Web Site > Item Badges and Shapes.

    The Item Badges and Shapes record is created when you install the extension.

  2. Click List.

  3. Click Edit next to the badge you want to edit, or click New to create a new record.

  4. Set the following general fields:



    Badge Name

    This sets the name for the badge to display at the Item level.

    This name displays in the Badges to Display field of the Item record.

    Badge Text

    This sets the text to display on the badge.

    Basic HTML formatting tags are supported.

    Alt Text

    This sets the description for the badge.

  5. In the Style subtab, set the following fields:



    Text Color

    This sets the color of the badge text.

    Background Color

    This sets the background color of the badge or fill color of SVG images.

    This field supports text, HEX, or RGB.


    This sets the shape of the badge from a list of pre-defined shapes.

    You can choose a default badge or upload a new image.

    If the Shape field is set to Bookmark, the Badge Text will display next to the badge instead of on the badge.

    To customize badge shape options, see Create or Edit a Badge Shape.

    Text Weight

    This sets the weight of the badge text.

    The text display depends on your web store’s theme.


    This determines if the item badge is inactive.

    An inactive badge does not render on your web store but can be made active again at any time.

  6. Click Save.

    • If the item is a Matrix Item, click Update Matrix.

    • If not, click Save.

Create or Edit a Badge Shape

To add or change the options available in the Shape field of the Item Badges and Shapes record, you must edit the Item Badge Shape record. You can customize item badge shapes by choosing the name and shape or image to use. You select a shape from the options found in the Item Badge Shapes list.

To create or edit a badge shape:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Customization > List, Records, & Fields > Record Types > Item Badge Shapes.

    The Item Badge Shapes record is created when you install the extension.

  2. Click List.

  3. Click Edit next to the badge shape you want to edit, or click New to create a new record.

  4. Set the following fields:




    This sets the name for the shape that appears in the Shape field of the Item Badges and Shapes record.


    This sets the badge shape from a list of pre-defined options.

    If the Shape field is set to Bookmark, the Badge Text will display next to the badge instead of on the badge.


    This allows you to select an image from the file cabinet or upload an image to serve as a badge shape.

    If you select or upload an image, but select a shape in the Shape field, the chosen shape overrides the image selection.

  5. Click Save.

Add Facet Fields

Item badges can be configured as facets, so users can search the web store for products with badges.

To use faceted navigation with item badges:

  • Select facet fields on the Web Site Setup record.

  • Configure facet fields on the SuiteCommerce Configuration record.

Follow the instructions for setting up facets in Select and Configure Facet Fields, using these guidelines:

  • When selecting facets in the Web Site Setup record, add the Badges (Custom) facet field.

  • When configuring facets in the SuiteCommerce Configuration record, add the custitem_ns_ib_badges facet field.

    This internal ID corresponds to the Badges (Custom) facet field listed on the Web Site Setup record.

After setting up this extension, you can display item badges on both the Product Listings and Product Details pages. You can customize the badges to highlight different types of products in a way that fits in with your web store, and users can conduct faceted navigation using the badges.

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General Notices