Add a Price or Price Levels to an Item

Follow these steps to add prices to an item for NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS). You can have a single base price for all stores or set up price levels assigned to store Location records. Price levels let you sell an item for different prices, and can be used for stores that you internally assign to different marketing areas or regions. For international retailers, you can set prices in the different currencies that you use.

These steps cover basic price setups. For detailed steps and explanations of various pricing options, review the NetSuite ERP help topic Setting Up Item Pricing.


For information on how prices synchronize for different currencies, see Price Filtering for Currency by Location.

To add Prices to an Item:

  1. Log in to NetSuite as an administrator.

  2. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items.

  3. Click Edit for the item to update.

  4. Click the Sales / Pricing subtab.

  5. Click the main currency in which the item will sell.

  6. Base Price: Every item should have a Base Price that is the common selling price for an item in your stores.

    Enter this price under the QTY 0 (Quantity 0) column. Do not use a currency symbol or comma.


    NSPOS does not support pricing by purchase quantity (QTY).

    Pricing sublist on Sales/Pricing subtab.
  7. If desired, enter price levels (for example, Alternate Price n) that can be assigned to different locations.

    Example optional alternate price levels.

    To assign a location to use a price level, such as Alternate Price 1, select the level from the Location record using the field POS - Price Level. Each item sold in the location will use that level to determine the price.


    If some locations will use a different currency, you must set the POS - Price Level associated with that currency on those Location records. This step is required even if an item's price is set to the currency.

    If a location will use U.S. Dollars, you can leave the POS - Price Level field empty.


    Inactivating a price level – Making a price level inactive in NetSuite ERP does not inactivate it in NSPOS. An inactive price level previously selected for a location, customer, or pricing group will continue being the POS-Price Level that adjusts the base price at the register.

    If a price level is no longer needed, you should select a different price level to replace it. Selecting the base price as the POS-Price Level is an option.

    See Working with Locations for the steps to update a Location record. If a location does not have a POS - Price Level assigned, or if an item does not have an amount in the location’s price level, then the item’s Base Price is used.

    POS - Price Level field on Location record.
  8. If you sell the item using different currencies, select the Currency, and then enter the Base Price and other prices.

    price levels for different currencies on Sales/Pricing subtab.
  9. Click Save.

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