Price Filtering for Currency by Location
NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) includes replication filtering for price levels using the currency assigned to the location. In the past, all prices in all currencies handled by a retailer were downloaded to all registers. However, registers in Oklahoma City, OK USA do not need pricing in Euros and registers in Tokyo, Japan would not typically trade in US Dollars.
The rpice filtering feature only downloads item price levels that are applicable to a store’s business. For retailers handling multiple currencies, the feature can significantly lower the amount of data stored on each register’s database.
Locations only receive price levels for the currency used:
Items x Price Levels x 1 Currency =Number of lines downloaded to registers at each currency location
1000 x 2 x 1($ or ¥ or €) = 2000 lines
During data downloads (down syncs), the server checks the currency set on the retailer’s NetSuite ERP Location records. If no currency is defined for a location, we use the currency set on the location’s parent Subsidiary record.
Removing unneeded currencies from your registers
In previous releases, pricing for all the currencies you accept was loaded to all registers. Restaging a register after designating a currency on the Location record associated with the workstation removes any price data that is not valid for the register’s store. This action frees valuable disk space on each register’s database.
Perform these next steps to set up a store currency different from the default set on your parent Subsidiary record. You must restage the registers assigned to the store location.
You must designate a currency for all locations that sell NetSuite Gift Cards or Gift Certificates.
To set a Currency for a Location:
Log in to NetSuite as an administrator.
Go to Setup > Company > Locations.
Click Edit for the desired Location record.
Select from the RA-Currency list.
Click Save.
Repeat for other Location records as needed.
Restage the registers at each affected location.
Important:Changing the currency field (RA-CURRENCY) on a Location record switches the price currency sent to all registers at the location. You must restage all registers at the location to activate the new currency.
Otherwise, your registers will continue using the old currency, causing price discrepancies at the point of sale.
To set up price levels in NetSuite ERP, go to Setup > Accounting > Setup Tasks > Accounting Lists > New > Price Level.