Using Price Levels to adjust Prices across Locations

Your NetSuite ERP accounting setup for NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) can include Price Levels. These levels let you set different pricing for the same item based on store locations. Price Levels are usually set as discounts against an item’s base price.

An example is setting a Price Level to have a Markup/Discount % of -10%. Every item using the Price Level will have a 10% discount off the Base Price at Locations having that Price Level assigned. You can apply a positive percent (without a negative sign) to increase a price.

Item Prices adjusted by Price Level


Base Price

Price Level A: -10%

Price Level B: 5%













Item Price at Locations

Locations, Assigned Price Level




Location 1, No Price Level




Location 2, Price Level A




Location 3, Price Level B




You can edit a Price Level to change the Markup/Discount %. To adjust current prices of all items that use the level, check the Update Existing Prices box before saving. This action updates current prices of all items that use the level.

When you assign a Price Level to an item, the new item price is included in the downsync to all registers at the assigned stores. The downsync sets the item’s price on those registers. Updating a Price Level creates new downsync’d prices for all items whose price has changed.


Depending on the size of your inventory, it can take up to one hour to update all prices for all items included in a Price Level change. To ensure good performance at the register, you should avoid updating Price Levels during business hours if you know it will impact many items.

Viewing your Price Levels

  1. Log in to NetSuite as an administrator.

  2. Go to Setup > Accounting > Setup Tasks > Accounting Lists.

  3. Expand the Filters and select Price Level.

  4. Click View by the desired Price Level.

For the Steps to Use Price Levels:


Inactivating a price level – Making a price level inactive in NetSuite ERP does not inactivate it in NSPOS. An inactive price level previously selected for a location, customer, or pricing group will continue being the POS-Price Level that adjusts the base price at the register.

If a price level is no longer needed, you should select a different price level to replace it. Selecting the base price as the POS-Price Level is an option.

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