
NetSuite 2024.2 includes the following enhancements to Manufacturing features:

Restrict Copying Bills of Materials to an Assembly

With the release of NetSuite 2024.2, Manufacturing Bills of Materials (BOM) are no longer included in copied assemblies.

Currently, Bills of Materials are rarely used when creating new assemblies. Copying a BOM that has similar assembly attributes and then updating the BOM content to suit the assembly produces a different BOM. Since this behavior is inefficient and prone to human error, NetSuite no longer supports creating separate/new Bills of Materials for copied Assemblies.

Manufacturing Enhancements

NetSuite Manufacturing 2024.2, accounts that have enabled the Advanced BOM feature will receive the following updates for BOM Revision defaults on work orders and assembly build and unbuilds:

Bill of Materials Revision Defaulting on Work Orders

After you define a Forward Scheduling method, the BOM Revision is then set to the Work Order Production Start Date.

The Work Order Production Start Date is defined as follows:

  • When the subsidiary is not defined, the production start date is set to the company time zone date.

  • When the location and location time zone are not defined, the production start date is set to the subsidiary time zone date.

  • After the location and location time zone are defined, the production start date is set to the location date.

After you define a Backward Scheduling method to determine production dates, the BOM Revision defaults to the Work Order Transaction Date.

When the production start date falls on the start or end date of the BOM Revision Effective date range, yu should then use your organization's time zone. The default Work Order BOM Revision uses the production start date which is defined on the work order based on the company location time zone. If the company location time zone does not exist, the subsidiary time zone is used. If the subsidiary time zone does not exist, the company time zone is used.

Default BOM Revision Dates on Assembly Build/Unbuild

When a work order's production start date falls within the Bill of Materials (BOM) revision effective date range, the BOM Revision on a work order is designated as the default BOM Revision.

Assembly BOM Sublist Extended

The following fields were added to the 2024.2 Manufacturing Assembly BOM sublist:

  • BOM Revision Effective Start Date

  • BOM Revision Effective End Date

Correct Work Order Operation Start and End Dates

Before NetSuite 2024.2, manufacturing operation start time was set to the work order production start date. Working hour start time was set to the work calendar that was assigned to the first operation's manufacturing work center. The operation end date and time was set according to its length, based on the setup time and run time, and the start of this operation. All operations were then added one after the other.

With the release of NetSuite 2024.2, the operation start and end time setting depends on whether these times are set based on completion performed on working or non-working days.

Completion on working days

  • The start of the operation is set to the beginning of the working day as scheduled on the working calendar.

  • To set the end of the operation, the remaining operation time is added to the operation start day. If the remaining time is more than the available free completion day working time, the balance is added to the next working day.

Completion on non-working days

  • The start of the operation is set to the beginning of the working day as scheduled in the working calendar for working days.

  • To set the end of the operation, the remaining operation time is added to the beginning of the next working day according to the working calendar.

Actual Production Start Date Completion Transactions

Before NetSuite 2024.2, the Actual Production Start Date field in WIP work orders was automatically populated with Issue Components or Completion with Backflush transactions.

With the release of NetSuite Manufacturing 2024.2, the Actual Production Start Date is automatically populated based on the completion transaction.

Correction of Work Order Operation Remaining Hours Calculation

Before NetSuite 2024.2, the work order Operation Remaining Hours field was calculated incorrectly because it used planned operation times from the manufacturing routing and then multiplied that amount by the work order quantity. From this number, the system then subtracted the reported completion times.

The following updates have been made to the work order operation remaining hour calculation in NetSuite Manufacturing 2024.2:

  • To calculate Remaining Time before First Completion:

    • Setup time is considered to be part of remaining time only before first completion.

    • The system uses the remaining quantity and multiplies it by the Run Time amount and then adds Setup Time.

  • To calculate Remaining Time after First Completion:

    • After the first completion is complete, setup time is not included in Remaining Time amount.

    • The system uses the remaining quantity and then multiplies it by the Run Time amount.

General Notices