NetSuite 2025.1 includes the following enhancements to Manufacturing features:
Manufacturing Routing Enhancements
NetSuite 2025.1 includes the following enhancements to the Manufacturing Routing features:
Add Delays Between Manufacturing Operation Tasks and Select Connection Type
Before NetSuite 2025.1, it was possible to define operations overlapping when the following operation task started with a delay after the previous operation task started. The connection type between operations was always Finish-To-Start.
Now, you can also add delays between operations and change connection type. The following options are available:
Start-To-Start -the subsequent operations start at the same time (with minimal lag calculated automatically).
Start-To-Start with lag -the subsequent operation starts after a specified delay (lag) from the start of the first operation.
Finish-To-Start (default) -the subsequent operation starts only after the previous one finishes.
Finish-To-Start with lag -the subsequent operation starts after the first operation finishes, with an additional specified delay (lag).
You can view and edit the connection type and lag amount in the Predecessors subtab in the Manufacturing Operation Task popup window. For more information, see the Manufacturing Operation Tasks help topic.
You can also define the connection type and lag amount in the Routing Steps subtab in the Manufacturing Routing popup window. For more information, see the Creating a Manufacturing Routing help topic.
The connection type for all existing operations will change automatically.
For more information about connection types, see the Operations Overlap help topic.
Add, Delete or Reorder Manufacturing Operation Tasks
Before NetSuite 2025.1, it was possible to add, edit, or delete only the last task in the sequence.
Now, from the Operations subtab on the work order, you can do the following:
add an operation with any sequence number
edit existing operations with the Not Started status to change their sequence numbers to any value
delete any operation with the Not Started status
For more information, see the Add or Delete Tasks help topic.