JavaScript does not include an enumeration type. The SuiteScript 2.x documentation uses the term enumeration (or enum) to describe a plain JavaScript object with a flat, map-like structure. In this object, each key points to a read-only string value.
Enum Description |
Holds the string values for query types used in the query definition. This enum is used to pass the initial query type argument to query.create(options).
The N/query module supports the same record types that are supported by the SuiteAnalytics Workbook interface. For more information, see Available Record Types. |
Module |
Sibling Module Members |
Since |
2018.1 |
Before using these values, consider the following:
A query type is not the same as a record type. The supported query types listed below do not necessarily correspond with the supported record types listed in the N/record Module.
Depending on your account, role, and enabled features, some of these values may not be available.
Custom record types are not included in this enum.
You must configure your account settings according to the query type used in your scripts to avoid potential errors.
Enum Value |
Sets Query.type Property To |
account |
accountingbook |
accountingcontext |
accountingperiod |
activity |
addressbook |
advancednumberinglog |
advancedpdftemplate |
allparserplugin |
allocationmethod |
amortizationschedule |
amortizationtemplate |
authorizationconsent |
automatedclearinghouse |
balancingsegmentspreference |
billingclass |
billingratecard |
billingschedule |
billofdistribution |
billrun |
billrunschedule |
bin |
bom |
bomrevision |
bomrevisioncomponent |
budgetexchangerate |
budgetlegacy |
budgetcategory |
budgetimport |
budgets |
bulkprocsubmission |
bundleinstallationscript |
bundleinstallationscriptdeployment |
businesseventsprocessinghistory |
calendarevent |
campaignaudience |
campaigncategory |
campaignchannel |
campaignemailaddress |
campaignevent |
campaignfamily |
campaignoffer |
campaignresponse |
campaignsearchengine |
campaignsubscription |
campaigntemplate |
campaignvertical |
cardholderauthentication |
cardholderauthenticationevent |
category1099misc |
charge |
chargerule |
chargerun |
chargetype |
classification |
clientscript |
clientscriptdeployment |
companyfeaturesetup |
competitor |
consolidatedexchangerat |
consolidatedrateadjustorplugin |
contact |
contactcategory |
contactrole |
contactsubsidiaryrelationship |
costcategory |
couponcode |
currency |
currencyrate |
currencyratetype |
customsegmentfield |
customer |
customercategory |
customermessage |
customersegment |
customersubsidiaryrelationship |
customfield |
customfield2 |
customglplugin |
customlist |
customrecordactionscript |
customrecordtype |
customsegment |
customtransactiontype |
datasetbuilderplugin |
deletedrecord |
deletedrecordinconnect |
department |
deviceid |
distributioncategory |
distributionnetwork |
domain |
dual |
emailcaptureplugin |
emailtemplate |
employee |
employeeexpensesourcetype |
employeelist |
employeestatus |
employeesubsidiaryrelationship |
employeetype |
entity |
entitygroup |
entitysubsidiaryrelationship |
expensecategory |
expensereportpolicy |
faxtemplate |
file |
fiscalcalendar |
ficonnectivityplugin |
forecast |
formatprofile |
fulfillmentexceptionreason |
fulfillmentrequest |
fiparserplugin |
gatewaynotification |
generalallocationschedule |
generaltoken |
generalizeditem |
genericresource |
genericresourcesubsidiaryrelationship |
giftcertificate |
globalaccountmapping |
globalinventoryrelationship |
gllinesauditlog |
gllinespluginrevision |
glnumberingsequence |
importedemployeeexpense |
inboundshipment |
incoterm |
inventorycosttemplate |
inventorynumber |
inventorystatus |
invoicegroup |
invtitempricehistory |
issue |
issuepriority |
issueseverity |
issuestatus |
item |
itemaccountmapping |
itemcollection |
itemdemandplan |
itemlocationconfiguration |
itemprocessfamily |
itemprocessgroup |
itemsegmentcustomersegmentmap |
itemsegmentincludingsynthetic |
itemsupplyplan |
iprestrictions |
job |
jobresourcerole |
jobstatus |
jobtype |
knowledgebase |
location |
locationcostinggroup |
loginaudit |
mailtemplate |
manufacturingcomponent |
manufacturingcosttemplate |
manufacturingoperationtask |
manufacturingrouting |
manufacturingtransaction |
mapreducescript |
mapreducescriptdeployment |
massupdatescript |
massupdatescriptdeployment |
mediaitemfolder |
memdoc |
memdoctransactiontemplate |
merchandisehierarchylevel |
merchandisehierarchynode |
merchandisehierarchyversion |
message |
mfgplannedtime |
nettingstatement |
nexus |
note |
oauth22clientcredentials |
ocrimportjob |
ocrimportjobreview |
ocrplugin |
onlinecaseform |
onlineformtemplate |
onlineleadform |
orderallocationstrategy |
orderreleaseline |
orderreservation |
ordertyperecord |
othername |
othernamecategory |
othernamesubsidiaryrelationship |
outboundrequest |
oauthtoken |
partner |
partnersubsidiaryrelationship |
paycheck |
paymentcard |
paymentcardsearchrecord |
paymentcardtoken |
paymentevent |
paymentgatewayplugin |
paymentinstrument |
paymentmethod |
paymentprocessingprofile |
aymentresultpreview |
payrollbatch |
payrollitem |
payrollitemgroup |
pdftemplate |
performancereviewscheduletalentdataset |
phonecall |
pickstrategy |
picktask |
picktaskinventorybalance |
plannedorder |
plannedstandardcost |
planningitemcategory |
planningitemgroup |
planningitemgroupsource |
planningrulegroup |
planningview |
platformextensionplugin |
plugintype |
plugintypeimpl |
portlet |
portletdeployment |
postingaccountactivity |
predictedrisktrainevalhistory |
pricelevel |
pricing |
pricinggroup |
pricingwithcustomers |
projectbudget |
projectexpensetype |
projectfinancials |
projecticchargerequest |
projectsubsidiaryrelationship |
projecttask |
projecttemplate |
projectemplatesubsidiaryrelationship |
promotionsplugin |
promotioncode |
prompt |
publishedsavedsearch |
quantitypricingschedule |
quota |
recentrecord |
recordactionscriptdeployment |
recsysalgorithm |
recsysanalyticsreport |
recsysanalyticsreportagg |
recsysblocklist |
recsysconversion |
recsyseligibility |
recsysscenario |
redirect |
resourceallocation |
resourcegroup |
restlet |
restletdeployment |
retirementplan |
revrecschedule |
revrectemplate |
revenueelement |
role |
saleschannel |
salesrole |
salesinvoiced |
salesordered |
salestaxitem |
scheduledscript |
scheduledscriptdeployment |
scheduledscriptinstance |
script |
scriptcustomrecordtype |
scriptdeployment |
scriptnote |
scriptrecordtype |
searchcampaign |
sentemail |
shippingpackage |
shippingpartnerregistration |
shippingpartnersplugin |
shipitem |
shoppingcart |
sitecategory |
sitetheme |
solution |
standardcostversion |
state |
statisticaljournalentry |
statisticalschedule |
storepickupfulfillment |
storetab |
sublist |
subsidiary |
subsidiarysettings |
suitelet |
suiteletdeployment |
suitescriptdetail |
supplychainsnapshot |
supplychainsnapshotsimulation |
supplychangeorder |
supplyplandefinition |
supportcase |
supportcasepriority |
supportcasestatus |
systememailtemplate |
systemnote |
systemnote2 |
systemnotefield |
systemnotetype |
task |
taskitemstatus |
taxcalculationplugin |
taxitemtaxgroup |
taxtype |
term |
testplugin |
textenhanceaction |
timebill |
timemodificationrequest |
timesheet |
topic |
trackingnumber |
transaction |
transactionaddressbook |
transactionappliedruleslog |
transactionbilling |
transactionbillingaddressbook |
transactiondeletionreason |
transactionhistory |
transactionnumberingauditlog |
transactionpayeeaddressbook |
transactionreturnaddressbook |
transactionshippingaddressbook |
transactionstatus |
usrsnapshot |
umdfield |
undeliveredemail |
unitstype |
unlockedtimeperiod |
userauthorizationconsent |
usereventscript |
usereventscriptdeployment |
useroauthtoken |
usrsavedsearch |
usrauditlog |
usrdsauditlog |
usrdsexecutionlog |
usrexecutionlog |
vendor |
vendorcategory |
vendorsubsidiaryrelationship |
webapp |
website |
workbookbuilderplugin |
workflowactionscript |
workflowactionscriptdeployment |
workplace |
workcalendar |
wbs |
zone |
The following code sample shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example. For a complete script example, see N/query Module Script Samples.
// Add additional code
var myCustomerQuery = query.create({
type: query.Type.CUSTOMER
var mySalesRepJoin = myCustomerQuery.autoJoin({
fieldId: 'salesrep'
var firstCondition = myCustomerQuery.createCondition({
fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 107
var secondCondition = myCustomerQuery.createCondition({
fieldId: 'id',
operator: query.Operator.EQUAL,
values: 2647
var thirdCondition = mySalesRepJoin.createCondition({
fieldId: 'email',
operator: query.Operator.START_WITH_NOT,
values: 'foo'
myCustomerQuery.condition = myCustomerQuery.and(thirdCondition,myCustomerQuery.or(firstCondition, secondCondition));
var resultSet = myCustomerQuery.run();
// Add additional code