SCIS Fallback Settings
This section includes information for administrators configuring the SCIS Fallback Settings record in NetSuite.
You must configure the SCIS Fallback Settings record in NetSuite before you can start using Fallback. Here, you define the following important settings:
The locations and subsidiaries where Fallback can be used.
A personal Identification Number (PIN) so that sales associates can log in to Fallback when SCIS is not available.
The defualt tax rate applied to transactions entered in Fallback.
The role assigned to employees using Fallback. (Typically, this is the SCIS Clerk role.)
After you configure Fallback settings, the next time you launch the SCIS for iOS or SCIS for Windows app, your product catalog and Fallback settings are downloaded and stored in the app running on the point-of-sale device. After initial configuration, you can change Fallback settings as needed. The catalog and settings are downloaded periodically to stay up-to-date.
Best Practice: Subsidiary and Location Considerations
As you configure the SCIS Fallback record, consider the following about using subsidiaries and locations:
Enabling Fallback– You can enable Fallback for certain subsidiaries and locations, and not for others.
Defining a Fallback tax rate – Define a default tax rate for fallback. You can define a tax rate by subsidiary or by location. All orders entered in Fallback use the default tax rate you define. For more information about how taxes are calculated on Fallback transactions, read Tax Calculation in Fallback.
Note:After initial setup, you can change the tax rate in Fallback Settings. The new tax rate you define will be used the next time you go to Fallback when SCIS is not available.
To configure the SCIS Fallback Settings record:
Go to Commerce > InStore > Fallback Mode Settings.
(For OneWorld accounts) Check the Enable All Subsidiaries box if you want to enable Fallback for all Subsidiaries in your OneWorld account.
(For OneWorld accounts) In the Subsidiaries list, you can select one or more Subsidiaries where you want to enable Fallback.
(For accounts without OneWorld) Check the Enable All Locations box if you want to enable Fallback for all Locations in your account.
In the Locations list, select one or more Locations where you want to enable Fallback.
When you enable subsidiaries, locations that are associated with those subsidiaries are automatically enabled. To disable certain locations, remove them from the list at the top of the page.
Click the link below the Default Access PIN field to enter a Personal Identification Number (PIN) that employees can use to log in to Fallback. The PIN must be 4 -8 digits. Only numbers are allowed.
The Default Access PIN is applied to all subsidiaries and locations where Fallback is enabled. If you wish to define an Access PIN per subsidiary, or per location, then select the subsidiary or location in the sublist, clear the Default Access PIN check box, and enter a unique Access PIN. In the following screenshot, a Subsidiary Access PIN entered on the Parent Company: Illinois line can override the Default Access PIN when the check box is cleared.
Note:By default, the Access PIN assigned to a subsidiary is automatically shared with associated locations. To change the setting in a particular location, edit the location in the sublist.
In the Default Tax Rate field, enter the tax rate that should be applied to orders in Fallback.
In Fallback only one tax code is applied to all transactions in a particular location. This tax rate is used for all items (regardless of a non-taxable setting) in all transactions entered in a Fallback session. If you wish to define a Tax Rate per location, then select the location in the sublist, clear the Default Tax Rate check box, and enter a tax rate.
If you change the tax rate setting, then the change takes effect in the next session. For more information about Fallback Sessions, read SCIS Fallback Session and SCIS Transmission Batch Records.
Note:By default, the tax rate assigned to a subsidiary is automatically shared with associated locations. To change the setting, click the Location sublist and make the change. For more information read, Tax Calculation in Fallback.
Use the sublists on the SCIS Fallback Settings page to make configuration changes for specific subsidiaries and locations (for accounts with OneWorld) .
The following list describes each column on the Subsidiaries sublist:
Subsidiary – Shows the names of subsidiaries.
Default Access PIN – Check this box to use the Default Access PIN entered in the Default Settings section of the page.
Subsidiary Access PIN – This is an input field, used for overriding the Default PIN. The Default Access PIN check box is automatically cleared when you enter a PIN in this field.
Default Tax Rate -Check this box to use the Default Tax Rate entered in the Default Settings section of the page.
Subsidiary Tax Rate -This is an input field, used for overriding the Default Tax Rate. The Default Tax Rate check box is automatically cleared when you enter a Tax Rate in this field.
Fallback is Enabled – This is a read only check box reflecting the Fallback Enabled setting at the top of the page.
The following list describes each column on the Locations sublist:
Location – Shows the names of locations.
Subsidiary Access PIN -(For accounts with OneWorld) Check this box to use the same access PIN as the subsidiary with which this location is associated.
Default Access PIN -(For accounts without OneWorld) Check this box to use the Default Access PIN in this location.
Location Access PIN – You can enter a different Access PIN for the location.
Subsidiary Tax Rate -(For accounts with OneWorld) Check this box to use the same Tax Rate as the subsidiary with which the location is associated.
Default Tax Rate -(For accounts without OneWorld) Check this box to use the Default Tax Rate in this location.
Location Tax Rate -When the Subsidiary Tax Rate check box is clear, then you can enter a different Tax Rate for the location.
Fallback is Enabled -This is a read only check box reflecting the Fallback Enabled setting at the top of the page.
If you choose to remove SCIS from your NetSuite account or change the NetSuite account associated with SCIS, contact NetSuite Customer Support. A Customer Support rep can help you identify any Fallback transactions that may have occurred on a point-of-sale device but may not have posted to NetSuite.
When sales associates log in to SCIS, the product catalog and settings are downloaded. The download process is transparent to the sales associate. It occurs automatically upon login, and does not disrupt the typical workflow.