SCIS Fallback Payment Methods

Fallback is designed to operate when an internet connection is not available. Because Fallback is designed as an offline solution, payment methods used in Fallback cannot rely on communication with the NetSuite backend. When operating in Fallback, sales associates can use payment methods such as, Cash, Check, and custom non-electronic payment methods that you may have created.

The External PIN Pad payment method, installed by the SCIS SuiteApp, is designated as a Fallback payment method by default. Do not make any changes to this record other than setting location, subsidiary, and website filters. Credit or debit card gateways, and gift cards issued through NetSuite from the store are not supported in Fallback. EMV is only supported on external payment terminals that do not interact with payment gateways configured in NetSuite.

To set filters in the External PIN Pad Payment Method:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.

  2. Find SCIS Payment Method, and click List.

  3. Click Edit next to External PIN Pad.


    Do not change the Payment Method field or the Is Fallback External PIN Pad check box. The setting can be enabled on only one SCIS Payment Method record. Other SCIS Payment Method records show the check box as read-only.

  4. Click the Filters subtab.

    Select the Location, Website, and Subsidiary where you use Fallback. You can select more than one value in each box.

  5. Click Save to preserve your changes.


If you have not configured external payment terminals in your store, or for business reasons sales associates should not use credit cards with Fallback, you can mark the SCIS Payment Method, External PIN Pad as inactive.

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