SCIS Fallback Transaction Reconciliation

Reconciliation is the process by which an administrator or SCIS Fallback Auditor edits an SCIS Fallback Transaction record to trigger the creation of a cash sale in NetSuite.

Typically, a scheduled script runs periodically to create a NetSuite cash sale for each SCIS Fallback Transaction. However, there are cases when a NetSuite cash sale transaction cannot be created. Use the Fallback Transactions without Transaction saved search in NetSuite to identify SCIS Fallback transactions that require reconciliation.

To reconcile an SCIS Fallback Transaction record:

  1. Go t

  2. Find the Saved Search named Fallback Transactions without Transaction. Click View.

  3. Click Edit next to the Fallback Transaction you want to modify.

    1. View the Error Log. Examine the data to identify errors.

    2. Edit fields on the SCIS Fallback Transaction record as needed.

  4. Click Save.

    The transaction creation process is triggered for the SCIS Fallback Transaction.

If reconciliation is successful, then a cash sale transaction is created in NetSuite and the Transaction status of the SCIS Fallback Transaction becomes Cash Sale created. The SCIS Fallback Transaction is removed from the saved search.

If an error occurs that prevents the cash sale from being created, then the SCIS Fallback Transaction status does not change. The SCIS Fallback Transaction will continue to appear in the saved search.

Cases when NetSuite Transactions are not created and Reconciliation is Required

The following table describes issues that may prevent the creation of a cash sale from the SCIS Fallback Transaction. Also included in the table, are solutions for resolving these issues with the SCIS Fallback Transaction, and how to trigger the creation of a cash sale transaction in NetSuite.



Subsidiary does not exist (or it is inactive).

  1. Find the subsidiary, location or item record in NetSuite. Ensure the record in question is active and configured correctly.

  2. Edit the SCIS Fallback Transaction.

  3. Update the ID on the transaction to ensure the correct subsidiary, location, or item is selected.

  4. Click Save on the SCIS Fallback transaction.

Location does not exist (or it is inactive).

Item does not exist (or it is inactive).

Sales rep record becomes inactive, or the sales rep location changes in NetSuite.

  1. Edit the SCIS Fallback Transaction.

  2. Update the transaction to ensure the correct sales rep information is selected.

  3. Click Save on the SCIS Fallback transaction.

Payment method does not exist (or it is inactive).

  1. Find the payment method in NetSuite. Ensure it is marked as active. Also, ensure it is configured correctly with a corresponding SCIS Payment custom record.

  2. Edit the SCIS Fallback Transaction.

  3. Select the correct payment method,

  4. Click Save.

Cases when NetSuite Transactions are Different from Transactions Entered in Fallback

The Transaction Difference from Fallback field shows a value only if there is a difference between the sales transaction entered in Fallback and the final transaction created in NetSuite. This field appears on the SCIS Fallback subtab on the final transaction.

The following table describes data as it may appear on the final transaction with corresponding values in the Transaction Difference from Fallback field.

Data on the final transaction in NetSuite

Values in the Transaction Difference from Fallback field

Sales Rep is missing from the final transaction.

  • The selected sales rep is disabled or does not exist.

  • The sales rep selected in Fallback is not associated with the location.

The amount on one or more transactions lines is different from the expected transaction line amount.

Transaction line was recalculated because of a different tax rate on the Fallback transaction.

The discount amount on the final transaction is not as expected.

Order discount was recalculated because of a different tax rate on the Fallback transaction.

Tax Calculation in Fallback

The default tax rate you specify on the SCIS Fallback Settings record is applied to all orders submitted using Fallback. You can specify a default tax rate for each location and subsidiary. For example, if you have a subsidiary with two locations, in New York and California, you can create two tax rates, one for each location. Alternately, you could define one tax rate for the Subsidiary that would be inherited by the two locations.

The tax rate you define on the SCIS Fallback Settings record is applied to all orders submitted in Fallback. It is recommended that tax rates you define in Fallback settings are the same tax rates defined in your NetSuite account.

Sales Tax Difference Between Fallback and NetSuite

Note the following examples of how transaction amounts are calculated if the sales tax defined on the SCIS Fallback Settings record is different from sales tax items defined in NetSuite.

Example of Recalculation for a Transaction Line

A shirt was purchased using Fallback. The price (rate) of the shirt was $15.00 (before tax). The default tax rate for Fallback was set to 6%. On the Fallback transaction, $0.90 was charged for tax, so the total amount for the transaction line in Fallback was $15.90.

However, sales tax information in NetSuite indicates the sales tax rate is 10%. In this case, the amount on the cash sale created in NetSuite must be modified to ensure the total amount for the transaction line equals $15.90.

Example of Recalculation Including an Order Discount

For accounting purposes, the total amount on the cash sale in NetSuite must be the same as the amount on the SCIS Fallback Transaction. To maintain the impact to the general ledger, a discount or markup is added when creating the cash sale from the Fallback transaction. In this way, the difference in tax calculation is noted, but the total amount of the order stays the same in Fallback and SCIS.

For example, a shirt is purchased using Fallback for $9.17. The sales associate adds a $1.00 discount. With 8% tax applied the total amount of the order is $8.82. However, in NetSuite, the tax code applied to the transaction is 10%.

After the NetSuite transaction creation process is complete, the NetSuite transaction has the following values in the item list on the transaction: The shirt has a rate of $9.00, but the amount shows $9.17, so that it is the same as on the Fallback transaction. A custom discount is applied for $0.98, and the Tax amount is $0.80 Tax. The order total is the same as the order total on the Fallback transaction, $8.82.

Prices Include Tax

Fallback supports the Prices Include Tax setting on item records. This setting enables you to save the item price as either tax inclusive or tax exclusive.


In Fallback, discounts are always added before tax.

If you change the Prices Include Tax setting on item records, then you must login to SCIS on each device to ensure the catalog of items is downloaded with the updated setting. Allow 5 to 10 minutes before going to Fallback to ensure that updated settings have been downloaded properly.

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