Searching for Effective-Dated Changes to the Employee Record
This feature requires SuitePeople HR. For more information, see SuitePeople Overview.
After you use the Effective Dating feature to make back-or future-dated changes to employee information, note the following. You can use the NetSuite search features to determine when particular aspects of the employee record were true or valid. Use the Valid Date option on the Employee Change Search page to do this.
To search for effective-dated changes to the employee record:
Go to Reports > New Search.
Click Employee Change.
On the Employee Change Search page, under Valid Date, specify the date or date range that you want to search.
Specify any other search parameters you want to include. For example, you can look for employees who have effective-dated changes with a particular change reason. To do this, select one or more reason from the Change Reason list.
Click Submit.
The Employee Change Search: Results page shows the results of your search.
You can also search for effective-dated changes for a specific employee. Go to Lists > Employees > Employees, and then click View next to the name of the employee. Click the Effective Date Log subtab to view all effective-dated changes made to the employee’s record. Use the Field and Change Reason filters to find specific changes.
Related Topics
- Employee Information Management
- Adding an Employee
- Adding Employees by Importing a CSV File
- Editing Employee Records Using CSV Files
- Giving an Employee Access to NetSuite
- Assigning a Supervisor to an Employee
- Viewing and Editing an Employee Record with Effective Dating
- Rehiring a Terminated Employee
- Viewing an Employee’s Timeline
- Employee Locations
- Creating an Employee Template
- Working with Employee Social Security Numbers
- Printing Mailing Labels for Employees