Viewing and Editing an Employee Record with Effective Dating
The Effective Dating feature enables you to make changes to the employee record that are back-dated or future-dated to a specific date. These changes represent when a particular piece of information became effective or true, regardless of when you made the change. To use the Effective Dating feature, you must be logged into NetSuite using a role that has the Employee Effective Dating permission. By default, this permission is automatically assigned to the standard Administrator, Chief People Officer (CPO), and HR Generalist roles. This permission also gives you access to the employee timeline from the employee record. For more information, see Viewing an Employee’s Timeline.
Many fields on the employee record are supported by effective dating, but others are not. When you view an employee record, fields that are not supported are labeled Not Effective-Dated. For more information, see Effective Dating for Employee Information.
Viewing an Employee’s Record as of a Date
If you are using the Effective Dating feature, you can view many of the fields on an employee’s record as of a specified date.
To view an employee record as of a date:
Go to List > Employees > Employees.
Click View next to the name of the appropriate employee.
On the employee record page, from the Actions list, select View As Of Date.
In the Select Effective Date Information window, enter or select a date and click OK.
The employee record page is refreshed showing the Viewing As Of banner to indicate that you are viewing an effective-dated view of the employee record. Note that the fields that are not effective-dated are labeled.
Note:You can also click the Effective Date Log subtab to view all effective-dated changes made to the employee’s record. Use the Field and Change Reason filters to find specific changes.
If you use CSV import or the Mass Updates functionality to edit multiple employee records, note the following. The changes affect the current day version of the employee records. You cannot use these features to make past-dated or future-dated changes to employee records. For more information, see Employees Import Type and Mass Updates.
Editing an Employee’s Record as of a Date
If you are using the Effective Dating feature, you can edit many of the fields on an employee’s record as of a specified date. This allows you to back-date a change to employee information and specify when a particular piece of information was valid or true.
To edit an employee record as of a date:
Go to List > Employees > Employees.
Click Edit next to the name of the appropriate employee. You can also click Edit from a view of an employee record.
In the Select Effective Date Information window, enter or select the date as of which you would like to edit the employee record.
Select a change reason from the Change Reason list. Optionally, enter details of the change to further describe it. Click OK.
The employee record page appears showing the Editing As Of banner to indicate that you are editing an effective-dated view of the employee record. Note that the fields that are not effective-dated are labeled.
Make the required changes to the employee record.
Click Save. The changes you made will appear in the Effective Date Log subtab.
Related Topics
- Adding an Employee
- Adding Employees by Importing a CSV File
- Editing Employee Records Using CSV Files
- Giving an Employee Access to NetSuite
- Assigning a Supervisor to an Employee
- Rehiring a Terminated Employee
- Searching for Effective-Dated Changes to the Employee Record
- Viewing an Employee’s Timeline
- Employee Locations
- Creating an Employee Template
- Working with Employee Social Security Numbers
- Printing Mailing Labels for Employees
- Employee Information Management