Creating Notification Scenarios
You can create notification scenarios for GST tax rate rules and LUT bond and details. You can use a set of predefined criteria to create a scenario.
To view the predefined criteria for GST tax rate rule or LUT bond and details, click the Criterias subtab on the Customized Notifications page. After creating a scenario for a feature, assign the scenario to a feature.
Before you create a scenario, consider the following points:
Only the Administrator and India Tax Manager roles can create, edit, view, and delete the notification scenarios.
You cannot create GST tax rate rule and LUT bond and details scenarios through CSV.
You cannot add, delete, or edit a criteria. All criteria are predefined.
You cannot add duplicate criteria, email content, and email recipients to a scenario.
You cannot create duplicate notification scenarios to a feature.
If a GST tax rate rule or LUT bond and details notification scenario has dependent records, you cannot delete the scenario.
When creating a scenario, you must add at least one criteria and email content details.
To create a scenario for a feature:
Go to Setup > India Localization > Customized Notifications.
Based on the feature you want to work with, click the GST Tax Rate Rule subtab or LUT Bond and Details subtab.
Under the Scenarios subtab, click the New GST Notification Scenario or New LUT Notification Scenario button.
Enter a unique name for the scenario.
Enter description for the scenario.
Click the Criteria subtab.
Under the Details section, complete the following fields:
Criteria-Select a predefined criteria available for a localization feature. This field is required.
Record Type-Select a record type to apply the criteria. This field is required.
Field Name-Select a field on the selected record type to apply the criteria. This field is required.
Operation-Select the operation that you want to perform on the selected field on record type. This field is required.
Operation Value-Enter a value based on the selected operation.
Description-Enter description as required. This field is optional.
Click the Add Criteria button. This action adds the criteria to the scenario.
Click the Email Content subtab.
Under the Details section, complete the following fields:
Record Type
Field Name-Select a field associated with the record type.
Click the Add Email Content button. This action adds email content to the scenario.
Click the Email Recipients subtab.
In the Recipient Email ID field, enter a recipient’s email ID.
In the Recipient Name field, enter a recipient’s name.
Click Save.
After creating notification scenarios for a localization feature, assign the scenario to the feature. For more information, see Assigning Notification Scenarios to a Localization Feature.
Editing Notification Scenarios
The India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp enables you to edit a notification scenario.
To edit a notification scenario:
Go to Setup > India Localization > Customized Notifications.
Based on the scenario that you want to edit, click the GST Tax Rate Rule or LUT Bond and Details subtab.
Click Edit beside the scenario that you want to edit.
Modify the details in the scenario as required.
Click the Update Criteria button.
Click Save.
Viewing Notification Scenarios
To view the list of scenarios created for GST tax rate rules or LUT bond and details, click the Scenarios subtab associated with the feature.