Sending Customized Notifications

The India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp enables you to send customized email notifications based on scenarios when using the India localization features. You can send customized notifications for GST tax rate rules and LUT bond and details.

You can perform the following operations using the Customized Notification feature of the SuiteApp.

You can create a scenario using a unique combination of criteria, record type, fields on record, operation on field, and operation value. The criteria are predefined. You can add multiple criteria to a scenario.

After creating a scenario for a localization feature such as GST tax rate rules or LUT bond and details, assign the scenario to the feature. When a scenario happens, the India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp automatically sends an email notification to your registered recipients. You can add multiple scenarios to a feature.

For every scenario, you can also define the email content and email recipients.

To use the Customized Notification feature, you must first must check the Customized Notification box on the Configuration page and then complete the setup.

For more information, see Using the Customized Notification Feature.

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