Setting up SuitePeople Time Clock


AdiClock is now referred to as SuitePeople Time Clock.

In the iOS App Store and Google Play Store, SuitePeople Time Clock is called NetSuite Time Clock.

In Windows, the app is called SuitePeople Time Clock.

Only specific users can access the setup options for SuitePeople Time Clock. If you think you should have access to this page, please consult an employee with an Administrator role.

To properly set up SuitePeople Time Clock, complete the following procedures:

Generating an Activation Code

Generate an activation code for the device where SuitePeople Time Clock will be installed.

You must have a Manager role or higher level of access to generate an activation code.

To generate an activation code:

  1. Go to Workforce Management.

  2. Go to Setup > Time Clock.

  3. Click New Device.

  4. In the New Device wizard, complete the required fields.

    • Name and Operating System – Complete the fields.

      Name – Enter the name you would like to assign to the new device.

    • Operating System – Select the operating system running on the device. Your options are:

      • Android

      • iOS/iPadOS

      • Windows

      The available punch-in options will depend on the operating system you are setting up.

    • Locations – From the Available Choices panel on the left, select the locations for employees to clock in and out of this device.

      If you want to select all locations, click Choose All.

      To move the chosen locations to the Chosen Items panel on the right, click the blue right arrow symbol at the middle of the panels.

      If you want to clear your chosen items, click Clear All.


      To comply with the Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA), Windows devices in Illinois locations may not be used to capture biometric data through fingerprint scanning. If you are setting up a Windows device located in Illinois, your employees can only punch in using pin codes.

    • Options – Refer to the table to configure the available punch-in options for each operating system.

      Operating System

      Available Options

      Android and iOS/iPadOS

      Visual Verification – By default, Android and iOS devices can only be used to be used to punch in employees using pin codes. If you switch this option on, the device captures employee photos after every punch event.


      Authenticate by – Select the authentication method available for employees during punch-in. The options are:

      • PIN only

      • Finger scan only

      • PIN or Finger scan

      • Two-factor authentication (PIN then Finger scan)


      If you are setting up a Windows device located in Illinois, your employees can only punch in using PIN only.

      Check for updates every – Enter the number of minutes, with a minimum of 5, that you would like the device to sync updates from WFM.

      Time Clock will sync automatically to WFM. Timesheets will flow through without requiring refreshing or waiting.

    • Confirm – Review the device details.

      If you opted to capture biometric information through finger scanning, you are required to agree to the customer responsibilities for biometric or fingerprint functionality. Check the Agree box.

  5. Click Create.

    On the Time Clock page, view the 8-letter activation code for the new device on the Activation code column.

You would later use the activation code as the password and your email as the username when you launch SuitePeople Time Clock for the first time.

After generating an activation code, install SuitePeople Time Clock on the new device. For more information, see Installing SuitePeople Time Clock.

Installing SuitePeople Time Clock


Starting February 18, 2025, Oracle will end support for SuitePeople Workforce Management Time Clock and SuitePeople Workforce Management mobile applications on Android 11 and earlier versions.

If you are using these versions, update your Android devices to version 12 or later to continue using WFM apps.

For more information, see SuitePeople Workforce Management on Unsupported Android Devices.

Install SuitePeople Time Clock on a supported device before you activate the device. For more information, see Minimum Requirements for SuitePeople Time Clock.

To install SuitePeople Time Clock on mobile devices:

  1. Go to the designated app store, either the App Store for iOS or iPadOS or Google Play for Android.

  2. Search NetSuite Time Clock.

  3. Install the app.

To install SuitePeople Time Clock on Windows, see Installing SuitePeople Time Clock Components for Windows.

After installing SuitePeople Time Clock, activate the new device. For more information, see Activating a New Device.

Activating a New Device

When you open SuitePeople Time Clock for the first time, you would need to activate the device using a previously generated activation code. For more information, see Generating an Activation Code.

To activate a new device:

  1. Open the SuitePeople Time Clock app on your device.

  2. In the Username field, enter your email address.

  3. In the Password field, enter the unique activation code that was generated for the device.

    To find the code, go to Setup > Time Clock. From the Pending Activation Devices subtab, locate the device code on the corresponding Activation code column.

  4. Click Register.

After you successfully activate the device, the clock-in page will appear.

For employees that are available at the locations registered with the device to start clocking in and clocking out, you must set up employee PIN codes. For more information, see Setting up Employee PIN Codes.

Setting up Employee PIN Codes

WFM assigns randomly generated PIN codes to employees. Employees use PIN codes to log in to SuitePeople Time Clock.

If you are an employee with access to a WFM account, you can find your PIN code when you log in to WFM. On the Your Details page, click Access. If you need to change your code, you should reach out to a user with a Manager role or higher level of access.

If your account has a Manager role or higher level of access, you can set up employee PIN codes.

To set up employee PIN codes:

  1. Go to Workforce Management.

  2. Go to Setup > Employees > List.

    The employee list appears with corresponding PINS on the Timesheet PIN column.

  3. Click an employee name.

  4. On the employee profile, on the lefthand panel, click Details.

  5. On the AdiClock PIN section, click Edit.

  6. Choose how you want to set the PIN code.

    • To assign a PIN, enter a unique 6-digit PIN on the Timesheet pin field.

    • To let WFM create a PIN, Click Generate Random PIN.

  7. Click Save PIN.

Preventing Early Punches

With a Manager role or higher level of access, you can enable Early Punch Prevention for specified locations to prevent employees from punching in before a designated time.

To prevent early punches:

  1. Go to Workforce Management.

  2. Go to Setup > Time Clock.

  3. At the top right corner, click Early Punch Prevention.

    The Early Punch-in Prevention window appears.

  4. From the Filter by field, select an option to filter locations.

  5. From the Available Choices panel on the left, select the locations where you want to prevent early punches.

    If you want to select all locations, click Choose All.

    To move the chosen locations to the Chosen Items panel on the right, click the blue right arrow symbol at the middle of the panels.

    If you want to clear your chosen items, click Clear All.

  6. Click the Early Punch-in prevention switch to turn it green.

  7. In the Grace period field, enter the number of minutes before an employee's shift when they would not be allowed to punch in.

  8. Click Save.

Preventing Short Breaks

With a Manager role or higher level of access, you can enable Short Break Prevention to prevent employees from taking breaks that are too short or do not meet the minimum break length entitled for them.


This setting is system wide and will be applied to all Workforce Management locations and devices employees are using to punch in.

This change prevents employees from returning from their break before the minimum length has passed.

If an employee attempts to clock in before their scheduled break finishes, SuitePeople Time Clock will prevent them from punching back in and will tell them when their break is scheduled to finish.

To prevent short breaks:

  1. Go to Workforce Management.

  2. Go to Setup > Account Settings > Time & Attendance.

  3. On the Time & Attendance page, check the Short break prevention box.

  4. In the Unpaid break minimum length field, enter the minimum number of minutes for unpaid breaks.

  5. In the Paid break minimum length field, enter the minimum number of minutes for paid breaks

  6. Click Save.

General Notices