Modelo 347 – What Goes into Each Box


To access the Spain Localization SuiteApp documentation in Spanish of Spain (español de España), see Spain Localization.

The current version of Modelo 347 report provided by the Spain Localization SuiteApp contains the following sections:



Data Sourcing


Refers to the alphanumeric value under Tax Reg. Number table column header of the Tax Registrations subtab on the Subsidiary page.

Refers to the latest valid value in this field for the considered period.


If the number includes an ES prefix that matches the Country field value associated with it, this prefix is omitted from the report.

Fiscal year

Refers to the year selected on the Country Tax Reports page.

Surnames and forenames, trade name, or denomination

Refers to your company's legal name filled out in the field Legal Name on the Subsidiary page. If this field is not filled, the information is sourced from the Name field on the same page.

Summary of the data included in the declaration


Data Sourcing


The total number of entities that match the sourcing criteria.


If an entity has more than one NIF, or is associated to more than one key, it is counted multiple times.


The total annual amount for all the considered transactions and customers/vendors.

Identification data


Data Sourcing

NIF of the declarant

Refers to the alphanumeric value under Tax Reg. Number table column header of the Tax Registrations subtab on the Subsidiary page.

Refers to the latest valid value in this field for the considered period.


If the number includes an ES prefix that matches the Country field value associated with it, this prefix is omitted from the report.

Fiscal year

Refers to the year selected on the Country Tax Reports page.

Customer/Vendor {X}

Report subsection title where {X} stands for the sequence number of the customer/vendor.

NIF of the customer/vendor

Refers to the Customer/Vendor Tax Reg. Number field on the Tax Details subtab of the transaction record.

It is only applied to domestic transactions.

Surnames and forenames, trade name, or denomination of the customer/vendor

Refers to the Customer ID/Vendor ID field on the Customer/Vendor page.

Province code

Refers to the ZIP code from the Address on the Customer/Vendor page.

Country code

Refers to the country code of the country associated with the Tax Reg. Number field on the Financial subtab on the Customer/Vendor page.

Transaction key

Shows one of the following values:

  • A for purchases

  • B for sales

Fiscal year

Refers to the year selected on the Country Tax Reports page.

Annual amount for transactions

Sum of annual amount for all transactions belonging to the corresponding customer/vendor.

Quarterly amount for transactions


The annual amount for all transactions divided into individual fiscal year quarters.




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General Notices