Manual Update of Spain VAT Reports Submission Status


To access the Spain Localization SuiteApp documentation in Spanish of Spain (español de España), see Spain Localization.

In the Spain Localization SuiteApp, all standard roles (Administrator, Accountant, and CFO) can manually update the status of the following generated report types:

This feature enables you to track which of the generated reports were already submitted to AEAT (The Spanish Tax Administration Agency).


Consider that marking these reports as submitted only updates their status in NetSuite. You still need to manually submit these to the AEAT online portal.

To mark the generated report as submitted:

  1. Click Mark as Submitted on the Country Tax Report – Spain page, where your report preview is displayed.

  2. In the Report Submission Status Confirmation pop-up window, confirm your submission by checking the box.


    The pop-up window may not always offer you the option of confirming your submission. In such a case, it means that your report is invalid due to potential validation issues. Resolve these issues by following the instructions in an error message displayed on the Country Tax Report – Spain page before attempting the operation again.

  3. Click Yes. Bear in mind that this operation cannot be undone.

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