Customizing PDF/HTML Templates of Philippines Documents
You can customize the Philippines PDF/HTML invoicing templates to suit your business needs.
Accounts with the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates permission can customize printed and emailed transactions. To use advanced templates in your account, see Enabling the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates Feature. When the feature is enabled, you can associate advanced templates with custom transaction forms so that these templates are used to format printed and email versions of transactions.
To customize a Philippines PDF/HTML template:
Go to Customization > Forms > Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.
Click the Edit link of the template that you want to customize.
Click Template Setup and change the title.
Click Save.
Make the changes to the template body as necessary.
Note:When saving advanced PDF or HTML templates for Southeast Asia Localization, an error may appear on the page. You can ignore this error message and proceed with saving the template. For more information, see Template Errors When Saving under Saving an Advanced Template.
Click the dropdown arrow beside Save, and select Save As.
Custom templates created using the Save As option are not overwritten when updates to the SuiteApp are released. Standard templates remain as is.
For more information, see Advanced PDF/HTML Templates and Advanced Templates Customization in the Template Editor.
Renaming Philippines Documents
You can create your own template by renaming any existing standard template.
Because the SuiteApp only supports charge type invoices, do not use words that may indicate that the Philippines document is a cash type invoice when renaming a standard invoice template. For example, do not use "Cash Invoice" as a document name.
To rename a standard template for Philippines documents:
Go to Customization > Forms > Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.
Click the Edit link of the template that you want to customize.
For example, if you need to create a service invoice to comply with the BIR Revenue Regulation No. 7-2024 in relation to Republic Act No. 11976, also known as the Ease of Paying Taxes (EOPT) Act, click Edit next to the Philippines Sales Invoice PDF/HTML Template.
In the source code, locate the document_title ID and rename the default value.
For example:
Default value:
<span class="title" id="document_title">Sales Invoice</span>
Renamed value:
<span class="title" id="document_title">Service Invoice</span>
Click the arrow beside Save, and select Save As.
Note:Using Save As to create a custom template based on a standard template retains and prevents the customizations you made (that is,
based on the example) from being overwritten with new SuiteApp releases.