Saving an Advanced Template
When saving an advanced template, you have the following options:
Save – Saves the template using the existing file name
Save As – Creates a copy of the template
Save & Edit – Saves the template and remains in edit mode
Creating a Copy of an Advanced Template
If you want to use an existing customized advanced template as the basis for a new template, you can use the Save As button to save a template under another name.
From the Advanced PDF/HTML Template List page, click Edit beside the template that you want to copy.
The Template editor appears. Click Template Setup and name the new template. For more information, see Template Setup Window.
Click Save.
In the template editor, click Save As. The new template is saved.

Saving Your Template and Continuing to Make Edits
If you want to save the progress of your template edits but want to continue making further edits, click Save & Edit. If your template is successfully saved, a message appears informing you that the template was saved successfully.

Template Errors When Saving
After clicking Save, Save As, or Save & Edit, if your template contains errors, an error message appears, and you are asked if you want to submit anyway. Choose from the following options:
To override the error and save the template, click Save. The template is saved. Note that there are valid cases when the template works in production but fails the validation.
To cancel the save and fix the error, click Cancel. The template is not saved, and you return to edit mode to fix any issues