Customizing Philippines Document Printing Preferences
With the Philippines Invoicing feature of the Southeast Asia Localization SuiteApp, you can customize the footer messages of your Philippines documents.
Before you can use the Philippines Document Printing Preferences feature, the role you use must be assigned the permission to print Philippines transactions. For more information, see the help topic Permissions Required to Update Philippines Document Printing Preferences.
To customize footer messages for Philippines documents:
Go to Setup > Southeast Asia Localization > Philippines Document Printing Preferences.
Using the table below for reference, fill out the fields.
Related Help Topic
This field displays a preview of the footer messages in Philippines documents in HTML format.
Document Type
Select the document you want to add footer messages to. You can select from the following:
Billing Statement
Collection Receipt
Credit Memo
Official Receipt
Sales Invoice
Philippines Transaction Form Mapping and Invoicing Templates
Upper Section Footer Message
Enter the message you want to display in the upper section of the footer of your documents.
The footer message field has a header with a link you can click to enter an HTML source code. The header also includes font, paragraph, and other formatting options you can use to format the text you enter in the field.
The message you enter appears above the PTU (Permit to Use) or ACCN (Acknowledgment Certificate Control Number) details.
Middle Section Footer Message
Enter the message you want to display in the middle section of the footer of your documents.
The footer message field has a header with a link you can click to enter an HTML source code. The header also includes font, paragraph, and other formatting options you can use to format the text you enter in the field.
The message you enter appears across the PTU (Permit to Use) or ACCN (Acknowledgment Certificate Control Number) details.
Lower Section Footer Message
Enter the message you want to display in the lower section of the footer of your documents.
The footer message field has a header with a link you can click to enter an HTML source code. The header also includes font, paragraph, and other formatting options you can use to format the text you enter in the field.
The message you enter appears below the document time stamp.
Click Save
To check if your changes render correctly, use an unapproved transaction to print a test page.
You cannot change the seller, buyer, and footer details of approved and printed transactions.
Changes made in the footer details of the indicated document will be reflected on your next printed transaction.
Related Topics
- Philippines Invoicing
- Philippines Transaction Form Mapping and Invoicing Templates
- Philippines Document Numbering Setup
- Permissions Required to Print Philippines Invoicing Transactions
- Displaying VAT Breakdown
- Updating the Taxpayer Branch Code
- Customizing PDF/HTML Templates of Philippines Documents
- Printing Philippines Invoicing Transactions