Creating Audits

One of the features of the Compliance 360 SuiteApp is the option to create audits in the account. Creating audits help you track and monitor your organization's security compliance.

To create an audit:

  1. Go to Compliance 360 > Audit Documentation > Audits.

  2. Click Create Audit.

  3. In the Primary Information section:

    1. From the Audit Start Date field, select the start date of the audit.

    2. From the Audit End Date field, select the end date of the audit.

    3. In the Audit Title field, enter a name for the audit. The field has a limit of 20 characters.

    4. In the Audit Goal field, enter the goal of the audit. The field has a limit of 100 characters.

    5. From the Auditor list, select the name of the person in-charge of this audit.

    6. From the Auditor Role list, select the role of the assigned auditor of this audit.

    7. (Optional) From the Audit Supporter list, select the name of the person who will support the auditor of this audit. You can select multiple audit supporters.

    8. In the Audit Findings field, enter the findings of the audit. The field has a limit of 250 characters.

    9. (Optional) In the Attachments field, click Choose a File to select a file for audit attachment. You can attach multiple files.

  4. You can create controls or processes that need to be audited in the form by adding entries in the Audit Controls section.

    In the Audit Controls section:

    1. In the ID field, enter a unique and alphanumeric ID for an audit control.

    2. In the Title field, enter a title for the audit control.

    3. In the Description field, enter a description for the audit control.

    4. In the Memo field, enter a note or a memo for the audit control.

    5. From the Status list, select one from the following options:

      • Pass -if the audited process or control passed the compliance standards.

      • Fail -if the audited process or control failed the compliance standards.

      • In Progress -if the audit for this process or control is still on-going.

      • Not Started -if the audit for this process has not yet started.


      The audit cannot be submitted if at least one of the audit controls have In Progress or Not Started as its status.

      To submit an audit, you must ensure that all of its audit controls have either Pass or Fail statuses.

    6. Click OK to add the audit control.

    7. To add another row, repeat steps 4(a) to 4(f).

  5. To save the audit as draft, click Save.

    Upon saving, the Audit Status field will automatically populate as In Progress.

  6. To submit the finished audit, click Submit.

    Upon submitting, the Audit Status field will automatically populate as Completed.

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