Assigning Carrier Accounts to Locations

Ship Central provides the PackShip – Shipping Advanced Plugin that enables you to assign carrier accounts to specific locations from which you ship orders. When you ship orders from a location, you can charge shipping costs to the assigned carrier account.

If you use NetSuite WMS, you can further specify the order type to which you want to assign the carrier account. For more information, see Creating Order Types.

Before you assign carrier accounts, be sure to create your shipping items using the Shipping Advanced Plugin. You can use these shipping items for orders that you ship through the Ship Central app or directly on the item fulfillment. For instructions, see Creating Shipping Items for your Shipping Services.

To assign carrier accounts to locations:

  1. Using the Ship Central Manager role, go to Ship Central Setup > Preference Settings > Carrier Accounts per Location.

  2. On the Carrier Account per Location page, set the following fields:

    • Subsidiary – Select the subsidiary of the location.

    • Location – (Optional) Select a single location to which you want to assign a carrier account.

      You can leave this field blank to set up multiple locations within the same subsidiary.

    • Carrier – Select a carrier connected to your NetSuite ShipEngine account.

    • Order Type – (Optional) If you use NetSuite WMS, you can select an order type that you set up for sales or transfer order.

  3. Click Submit to display the available carrier accounts.

  4. On the Carrier Account Assignments subtab, for one or more locations within the subsidiary, you can select the carrier account.

  5. To save your carrier account assignments, click Submit.

On orders, you can choose a shipping method for a carrier associated with a shipping item that uses the PackShip -Shipping Advanced Plugin. Ship Central charges the carrier account assigned to the same location as the one on the order.

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