Creating Order Types

Order types associate attributes to orders, which in turn drives internal processes. You can create an accounting list of multiple order types and associate each outbound order with one order type.

You can assign an order type as a filter on pick strategies. For example, you can create a pick strategy to define which zone to pick orders of a specified order type. When you release orders to the warehouse, NetSuite WMS applies the pick strategy only to the orders that match the type. For more information, see Bin Sorting with Pick Strategies.

To create an order type:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Lists > New.

  2. On the Add to Accounting Lists page, click Order Type.

  3. On the Order Type page, enter values in the following fields:

    • In the Order Type field, enter a unique name for the order type.

    • (Optional) In the Description field, you can enter a short description.

  4. Click Save.

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