Viewing Logs for Sent Emails in the Personal Information Access Logs Workbook
As of 25.1, the following actions related to sending emails are logged in the PI Access Logs workbook:
Email alerts sent from saved searches and emails sent from search result previews. For more information, see Viewing Logs for Emails Sent from Saved Searches.
Email campaigns sent to customers. For more information, see Viewing Logs for Sent Email Marketing Campaigns.
Email sent through the Communication tab on customer records. For more information, see Viewing Logs for Messages Sent from Customer and Transaction Records.
Viewing Logs for Emails Sent from Saved Searches
This topic helps you understand how the Personal Information Access Logs workbook tracks actions related to sending emails containing sensitive information from saved searches. As of 2025.1, the PI Access Logs workbook tracks email alerts and emails sent from search previews.
Viewing Logs for Email Alerts from Saved Searches
In NetSuite, you can enable email alerts for your saved searches by following the instructions in the Enabling Saved Search Email Alerts help topic. The PI Access Logs workbook tracks email alerts sent from saved searches when they contain sensitive information about your customers.
The behavior of the Personal Information Access Logs workbook depends on the type of email alert:
Viewing Logs for Automatic Email Alerts
For alerts that are triggered automatically when a newly added or edited record matches the criteria defined in your search, the workbook logs the newly added or edited record and populates the columns in the following way:
The User column shows the name of the user who made the change that triggered the email alert.
The IP Address column is empty.
The Customer column shows the name of the customer whose personal information appears in the saved search.
The Interface Type column shows Automation.
The Action column shows Email.
The Source column shows the type of record associated with the saved search, such as Transaction, Entity, or Custom.
The URL column shows the URL of the saved search.
The number of rows in the PI Access Logs workbook depends on the number of unique customers in the search result.

Viewing Logs for Scheduled Email Alerts
For alerts that are scheduled by the user on the Schedule tab on a saved search page, the workbook logs the full result of the saved search and records the name of the person who created the saved search in the User column. All other columns are populated in the same way as for automatically triggered email alerts.

For all email alerts sent from saved searches, the Personal Information Access Logs workbook does not track the following:
Searches that do not contain any sensitive information.
Content of custom messages attached to the email alert.
Recipients of email alerts. You can find the information about recipients in your search definition. For more information, see Defining a Saved Search.
Tip:To view the list of changes to your saved search definition, click Edit next to your saved search, and go to the Audit Trail subtab. For more information, see Auditing Changes to Saved Searches.
Viewing Logs for Emails Sent from Search Result Preview
When a user previews a search that contains sensitive information and sends an email from the preview page, this action is logged in the Personal Information Access Logs workbook.

However, if the search has not been saved yet and, therefore, could have been modified after a user previewed it, the URL column does not display a working link to the saved search. The ID of such URL is always set to -1, as shown on the following screenshot.

Viewing Logs for Sent Email Marketing Campaigns
In NetSuite, you can create email marketing campaigns. For more information, see Creating an Email Marketing Campaign.
When an email marketing campaign is sent, the log shows the name of the user who sent the email campaign, the names of recipients, and tracks URLs to email campaign records. The log may look as follows:

The number of rows for each marketing campaign depends on the number of recipients. For campaigns sent to dynamic groups, new rows appear when the group changes.
Viewing Logs for Messages Sent from Customer and Transaction Records
When you interact with messages through the Communication tab on a customer's record, the log shows the action you performed, such as Create, View, Edit, or Delete. The log may look as follows: