The Scripted Records Page
You can view a list of all records that have a user event script or a client script associated with a record on the Scripted Records page. By default, only records that have at least one associated script appear in the list.
To view a list of all records in your account, click the Show Undeployed box. You can also use the Script filter list to show only records associated with specific scripts.
The Scripted Records page is helpful for troubleshooting problematic scripts and workflows. You can use the page to:
access a specific record type to specify the execution order of scripts associated with each record of that type
edit script deployment statuses
deploy or inactivate script deployments
change workflow statuses
set workflow initiation details
In order of execution, scripts which are not localized takes precedence over those who are localized. For information about Localization Context, see Localization Context.
To access the Scripted Records page, go to Customization > Scripting > Scripted Records.

Each specific record is shown on the Scripted Record page. To access a specific scripted record:
Click View to view information about the scripts associated with a record type, or
Click Edit to change a record’s script deployment order, or to deploy or undeploy scripts for that record type.
The Scripted Record page includes these subtabs: User Event Scripts, Client Scripts, Custom Forms, Localized User Event Scripts, Localized Client Scripts, and Workflows (if enabled).

User Event Scripts Subtab
Use the User Event Scripts subtab to:
View information about the user event scripts for a record type:
The Script column lists the script’s name. Click the script’s name to view its Script Deployment record. See Script Deployment.
The Owner column lists the script’s owner.
The API Version column lists the script’s API version.
The From Bundle column lists the number of the bundle the script is included with. Click the bundle number to view information about the bundle.
The Bundle Name column lists the name of the bundle that the script is included with. Click the bundle name to view information about the bundle.
The Company Name of Bundle column lists the name of the bundle that the company uses to identify the bundle.
The Status column lists the release status of the script, either Testing or Released. See Setting Script Deployment Status.
The Before Load Function column lists the names of the functions that are set to execute on the
user event entry point. -
The Before Submit Function column lists the names of the functions that are set to execute on the
user event entry point. -
The After Submit Function column lists the names of the functions that are set to execute on the
user event entry point. -
The Options column lists any options in the script and their setting.
Note:For information about user event script entry points, see SuiteScript 2.x User Event Script Entry Points and API.
Change the script execution order of user event scripts.
Note:Scripts execute by function order first, then by the order listed on the Scripted Records page. Individual execution sequences for
, andafterSubmit
cannot be defined separately. WhenafterSubmit
functions are executed, those with abeforeSubmit
function will always go first, and after that, the execution sequence defined by the customer will be respected. For example, deploy four user event scripts on any record:-
In the first script (A), define
entry points only -
In the second script (B), define
entry points only -
In the third script (C), define
entry point only -
In the fourth script (D), define
entry points only
The entry points will be executed in this order:
Script A
Script B
Script B
Script D
Script D
Script A
Script C
Notice, that the
function of Script D is executed before theafterSubmit
functions of Script A and Script C, even if Script D is listed last in the execution order on the User Events tab.Note:When there is a workflow defined for the same record as a user event script, and both include
events, the user event script is executed in its entirety before the workflow’safterSubmit
event. -
Change a script’s deployment status from Testing to Released.
Deploy a script by clicking the Deployed box.
Deploying a large number of user event scripts of the same event type can impact performance. Avoid deploying more than 10 scripts of the same event type.
Client Scripts Subtab
A maximum of 10 localized/non-localized client scripts are supported.
Use the Client Scripts subtab to:
Change the script execution order of global client scripts. For example, have the third script execute first by moving the script to the top of the list.
Change a script’s deployment status from Testing to Released.
Deploy a script by checking the Deployed box.
View information about the client scripts for a record type:
The Script column lists the script’s name. Click the script’s name to view its Script Deployment record. See Script Deployment.
The Owner column lists the script’s owner.
The API Version column lists the script’s API version.
The From Bundle column lists the number of the bundle the script is included with. Click the bundle number to view information about the bundle.
The Bundle Name column lists the name of the bundle that the script is included with. Click the bundle name to view information about the bundle.
The Company Name of Bundle column lists the name of the bundle that the company uses to identify the bundle.
The Status column lists the release status of the script, either Testing or Released. See Setting Script Deployment Status.
The Page Init Function column lists the names of the functions that are set to execute on the
client script entry point. -
The Save Record Function column lists the names of the functions that are set to execute on the
client script entry point.The Field Changed Function column lists the names of the functions that are set to execute on the
client script entry point. -
The Validate Line Function column lists the names of the functions that are set to execute on the
client script entry point.
Note:For information about client script entry points, see SuiteScript 2.x Client Script Entry Points and API.
Custom Forms Subtab
Use the Custom Forms subtab to:
View information about the custom forms for a record type:
The Form column lists the custom form’s name.
The From Bundle column lists the number of the bundle the form is included with. Click the bundle number to view information about the bundle.
The Bundle Name column lists the name of the bundle that the form is included with. Click the bundle name to view information about the bundle.
The Company Name of Bundle column lists the name of the bundle that the company uses to identify the bundle.
The Script column lists the script’s name. Click the script’s name to view its Script Deployment record. See Script Deployment.
The Page Init Function column lists the names of functions that are set to execute on the
client script entry point. -
The Save Record Function column lists the names of the functions that are set to execute on the
client script entry point. -
The Field Changed Function column lists the names of the functions that are set to execute on the
client script entry point. -
The Validate Line Function column lists the names of the functions that are set to execute on the
client script entry point.
Workflows Subtab
Use the Workflows subtab to select a workflow to:
Change the status of the workflow. Use the Status list to set the status to Testing, Not Running, or Released.
Set the initiation trigger type: All, Before Record Load, Before Record Submit, After Record Submit. Use the Trigger Type list to set the type of trigger on which the workflow is to initiate. Note that this is not available for workflows that are locked by a bundle.
Specify whether the workflow should initiate on create events by checking the On Create box. Note that this is not available for workflows that are locked by a bundle. See Initiating a Workflow on an Event.
Specify whether the workflow should initiate on view or update events by checking the On View or Update box. Note that this is not available for workflows that are locked by a bundle. See Initiating a Workflow on an Event.
View information about the workflows for a record type:
The Workflow column lists the workflow’s name. Click the name to view the workflow in the SuiteFlow UI. See Workflow Manager Interface.
The Internal ID column lists the workflow’s internal ID. Click the ID to view the workflow in the SuiteFlow UI. See Workflow Manager Interface.
The Description column lists a description of the workflow, if available.
The From Bundle column lists the number of the bundle the form is included with. Click the bundle number to view information about the bundle.
The Bundle Name column lists the name of the bundle that the form is included with. Click the bundle name to view information about the bundle.
The Company Name of Bundle column lists the name of the bundle that the company uses to identify the bundle.
The Owner column lists the workflow’s owner.
The Status column lists the release status of the script: Testing, Not Running, or Released. See Release Status.
The Trigger Type column lists the client event on which the workflow is set to initiate: All, Before Record Load, Before Record Submit, After Record Submit. See Client Triggers Reference.
The On Create column lists whether the workflow initiates on record creation events. See Initiating a Workflow on an Event.
The On View or Update column lists whether the workflow initiates on record view or update events. See Initiating a Workflow on an Event.
For information about SuiteFlow workflows, see SuiteFlow Overview. Also note that the SuiteFlow feature must be enabled to use workflows. See Enabling SuiteFlow.
Localized User Event Scripts Subtab
Use the Localized User Event Scripts subtab to:
Change the script execution order of localized user event scripts. For example, have the third script execute first by moving the script to the top of the list.
Change a script’s deployment status from Testing to Released.
Deploy a script by clicking the Deployed box.
View information about the user event scripts for a record type:
The Script column lists the script’s name. Click the script’s name to view its Script Deployment record. See Script Deployment.
The Owner column lists the script’s owner.
The API Version column lists the script’s API version.
The From Bundle column lists the number of the bundle the script is included with. Click the bundle number to view information about the bundle.
The Bundle Name column lists the name of the bundle that the script is included with. Click the bundle name to view information about the bundle.
The Company Name of Bundle column lists the name of the bundle that the company uses to identify the bundle.
The Status column lists the release status of the script, either Testing or Released. See Setting Script Deployment Status.
The Countries column lists the countries where the script is executed.
The Before Load Function column lists the names of the functions that are set to execute on the
user event entry point. -
The Before Submit Function column lists the names of the functions that are set to execute on the
user event entry point. -
The After Submit Function column lists the names of the functions that are set to execute on the
user event entry point. -
The Options column lists any options in the script and their setting.
Note:For information about user event script entry points, see SuiteScript 2.x User Event Script Entry Points and API. For information about Localization Context, see Localization Context.
Deploying a large number of user event scripts of the same event type can impact performance. Avoid deploying more than 10 scripts of the same event type.
Localized Client Scripts Subtab
A maximum of 10 localized/ non-localized client scripts are supported.
Use the Client Scripts subtab to:
Change the script execution order of localized client scripts. For example, have the third script execute first by moving the script to the top of the list.
Change a script’s deployment status from Testing to Released.
Deploy a script by checking the Deployed box.
View information about the client scripts for a record type:
The Script column lists the script’s name. Click the script’s name to view its Script Deployment record. See Script Deployment.
The Owner column lists the script’s owner.
The API Version column lists the script’s API version.
The From Bundle column lists the number of the bundle the script is included with. Click the bundle number to view information about the bundle.
The Bundle Name column lists the name of the bundle that the script is included with. Click the bundle name to view information about the bundle.
The Company Name of Bundle column lists the name of the bundle that the company uses to identify the bundle.
The Status column lists the release status of the script, either Testing or Released. See Setting Script Deployment Status.
The Countries column lists the countries where the script is executed.
The Page Init Function column lists the names of the functions that are set to execute on the
client script entry point. -
The Save Record Function column lists the names of the functions that are set to execute on the
client script entry point.The Field Changed Function column lists the names of the functions that are set to execute on the
client script entry point. -
The Validate Line Function column lists the names of the functions that are set to execute on the
client script entry point.
Note:For information about client script entry points, see SuiteScript 2.x Client Script Entry Points and API. For information about Localization Context, see Localization Context.