FAQ: Electronic Payments
See the questions and answers below for information on Electronic Payments.
Electronic Payments Versions
Our headquarters is in the US and we have subsidiaries in other regions. Can I use the payment templates for other countries if I install the free version of the Electronic Payments SuiteApp?
No. You need an active Advance Electronic Bank Payments License and install the NetSuite SuiteApps License Client SuiteApp to use the payment templates for other countries.
Do I get notified when the SuiteApp is upgraded?
Email notifications are sent to administrators prior to major upgrades. However, no notifications are sent for maintenance or e-fix updates.
Are Release Preview versions of the Electronic Payments SuiteApp available to all customers?
Yes. During your Release Preview access period, your Administrator have 10 days to manually update the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp to the latest version in your Release Preview environment.
What will happen if I discontinue my license for the paid version?
You will not be able to access the payment templates used for payments to other countries and access the advanced features of Electronic Bank Payments.
What happens when the license key expires?
You will not be able to access the payment templates used for payments to other countries and access the advanced features of Electronic Bank Payments.
What will happen to my data if I uninstall the Electronic Payments SuiteApp?
Custom records linked to the SuiteApp will be deleted, such as the PFA, company bank records, and entity bank records. Reinstalling the SuiteApp will not bring those records back.
The SuiteApp version in my sandbox account is older than the version in my production account. Do I need a Sandbox refresh?
No. Ask your administrator to manually update the SuiteApp.
Related Topics
Payment Templates
I do not have an active Advanced Electronic Bank Payments License but the Payment Template list shows payment templates for other countries. Is this a defect?
No. You can see the list of supported payment templates but you will not be able to use them. You need an active Advanced Electronic Bank Payments License and the NetSuite SuiteApps License Client to access those templates.
I want to create a new Positive Pay template. Do I need to have a license and install the NetSuite SuiteApps License Client?
No. You only need to install the free version if you want to customize Positive Pay. The Advanced Electronic Bank Payments License and NetSuite SuiteApps License Client SuiteApp is only required if you will be customizing an EFT or Direct Debit template.
Who can help me customize a payment template?
Contact your NetSuite Professional Services representative for help with customizing payment templates.
Can I create multiple bank records for the same payment template?
Yes, as long as the bank records are not set up to process bills automatically. This is applicable if you have multiple bank accounts set up for the same bank.
What is the limit of bills processed in a single payment run?
Electronic Payments can process up to 5,000 bill transactions, and 3,000 invoice transactions that use SEPA Direct Debit payment template.
Can I change the transaction limit per payment file?
Yes. You can change the limit to a value lower than 5,000 for bill transactions, and lower than 3,000 for invoice transactions that use SEPA Direct Debit payment template. To do this, enter a new value in the Maximum Lines field of the payment template. You need a license for Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp to change or customize a payment template.
Related Topics
Processing Electronic Payments
What transaction types are supported for bill payment processing?
The current version of the Electronic Payments SuiteApp supports vendor bills, expense reports, commissions, and journals for payment processing.
Can I apply vendor credits first, and then pay the remaining amount later?
Yes. You can do this by using Pay Bills or Pay Single Vendor. When you are ready to pay the remaining amount, go to Payments > Payment Processing > Bill Payments Processing.
Can I pay partial payments?
Yes. You can change the payment amount per transaction for manual payment processing. Automated batch processing does not allow partial payments.
Is Early Payment Discount supported?
Yes. This feature has been available since Version 4.01 of the NetSuite Electronic Payments SuiteApp. For more information, see Term or Early Settlement Discount Feature.
Related Topics
How do I identify payments processed using the Electronic Payments SuiteApp?
Check numbers are prefixed with the payment file administration ID number followed by a “/” then followed by an automatically generated number starting from 1. The naming convention is used for numbering payments in the payment file administration (PFA) record. Memos are also updated using the same naming convention.
The Electronic Bank Payments box is also checked for transactions processed using Electronic Bank Payments.
Can I control or change the numbering convention used in the PFA record and the payments?
No. This feature has been logged as a future enhancement.
Can I pay bills in multiple currencies in a single payment run?
Yes. You can use a multi-currency format such as ABBL VIR2000 or a custom format that is multi-currency enabled. For more information, see Setting Up Multi-Currency Payments Processing.
How do I enable the multi-currency function?
The multi-currency function is enabled in the payment template. To enable multi-currency, you can check the Include All Currencies box, or you can manually select currencies that you want to use with the payment template. For more information, see Setting Up Multi-Currency Payments Processing.
Can I change the queuing priority of a payment file administration record?
Yes. The default queue priority for a payment file administration process is set to 3. The highest priority for a queue is 1. To change the priority, edit the PFA record while its status is still “Queued.” You can also change the priority of the queue using inline editing. To do this, go to Payments > Setup > Payment Queue. For more information, see Changing the Priority of a Queued Payment File.
What are Reverse Payments?
The Reverse Payments feature voids the payments created. A voiding journal is created to reverse the GL impact of a payment transaction. For more information, see Reversing Payments.
Why is the Rollback button missing in the Payment File Record?
The Rollback button is only available within 24 hours from the time the record is created. For more information, see Rollback.
What happens when I click the Rollback button?
The payment record and payment file created will be deleted. For more information, see Rollback.
What are the similarities and differences between Rollback and Reversal?
The Rollback and Reversal features enable you to cancel and recreate Payment File Administration (PFA) records. Processing a Rollback or Reversal will both do the following:
Cancel the PFA – This will change the File Processed? status to Cancelled.
Delete the file reference – This will leave the File Reference field blank.
Enable the Reprocess button – This button will be available in view mode only.
The difference between Rollback and Reversal is as follows:
The Rollback process will delete all payments in the PFA record.
The Reversal process will create a Voiding Journal for the reversed payment.
Can we automate the file transfer of payment files directly to our bank?
This feature is not part of Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp. However, you can transfer payment files automatically to your bank if such a facility is available in your bank. Contact your NetSuite Professional Services representative to inquire about host-to-host integration.
What is Aggregate by Payee?
The Aggregate by Payee option allows a single payment to be created per vendor or per employee for multiple bills that were paid. Disabling this option will create a payment transaction per bill or expense report.
Related Topics
Credit Application Feature
What is the Credit Application feature?
This feature allows users to apply credit transactions to open payables or receivables, and pay the remaining amount using the Electronic Payments SuiteApp.
What type of transaction can be applied to open payables or receivables?
For Bill Payment processing, we can apply Bill Credits and Unapplied Bill Payments. For Invoice Payment Processing, application of Credit Memo and Unapplied Payment is now allowed. This feature does not support Open Journal Entry application.
Is partial credit application allowed?
Yes. You can apply partial credit to a payment.
Is it possible to apply a credit amount that is greater than the bill amount?
I reversed a payment transaction with applied credit. When I returned to the Payment Processing page, why is it only the bill that is showing and the bill credit is no longer available?
Reverse and Rollback of Payment only voids or deletes the payment transaction. Credits remain applied to the bill or invoice.
Are there additional permissions needed for credit application?
The following permissions are required:
Credit Memo =View
Customer Deposit =View
Enter Vendor Credits =View
Employee Commission Transactions =View
Partner Commission Transactions =View
Accounting List =View
Related Topics
Term or Early Settlement Discount Feature
What is the Term or Early Settlement Discount feature?
This feature allows users to take advantage of early payment discounts using the Electronic Payments SuiteApp.
I am trying to enter the discount amount but it is automatically removed. Why?
On the EFT-Bill Payment page, the value in Date to be processed should be within the discount date. If it is later than the discount date, you will not be able to enter the discount amount.
Is partial discount recognition possible?
Yes. Since the discount is auto-calculated, so for the partial payment discount, it will be proportional to the payment amount. Also, the discount amount to be applied must not exceed the maximum discount amount (i.e., Amount Remaining x Disc %).
Are there additional permissions needed for term or early discount application?
The following permission is required:
Accounting List =View
Related Topics
Can I apply a credit and discount to the same payment transaction?
Yes. You can apply a credit to an open bill or invoice and, at the same time, take advantage of the discount. The discount amount will still be based on the payment amount and will not be affected by any applied credits. The total payment amount will be the result of the payment amount (net of discount) less the applied credit.
Automated Batch Processing for Electronic Payments
Is Automated Batch Processing available for all Electronic Payments users?
No. This feature is available only for users with an active Advanced Electronic Bank Payments License. The NetSuite SuiteApps License Client is also required to be installed to check the validity of the license.
Can I run Automated Batch Processing even without creating a Saved Search?
Yes. The system creates a main Saved Search by default.
How many payment batches can I set up per bank record?
A bank record can hold up to 10 active payment batches including the default batch.
Can I remove bills and expenses from a payment batch?
Yes, while the status is Open and Pending Approval.
Is there a limit to the number of bills per payment batch?
A payment batch can hold up to 5,000 or less depending on the Maximum Lines field value on the payment file template. An open payment batch is automatically submitted when it reaches 5,000 transactions.
Can I use multiple payment schedules to automatically submit an open payment batch?
Yes. You can select multiple options in the Payment Schedule field.
Why are the payment batches that were submitted for processing not in the Payment Batch List?
Only Open and Pending Approval batches that have not been processed for payment are included in the Payment Batch List.
What happens to the bills included in a batch if the batch was rejected?
Bills are removed from the batch and will be available on the next batch assignment (Saved Search), either manually or through a schedule.
Electronic Payments Permissions and Approvals
Are there permissions that I can set to restrict the buttons or functions available?
No. The ability to limit access to buttons and functions has been logged as a future enhancement.
What is the maximum level of approval?
You can set up to three levels.
Can I select multiple approvers for a single level?
Yes. The Approvers field is a multi-select field. However, the system will only require one person to approve within a level.
Is it possible to use Custom Workflow for Approval Routing?
No. Approval Routing is part of the Electronic Payments SuiteApp only and Custom Workflow is not supported.
Where can I see the list of payment batches that need approval?
Go to Payments > Payment Processing > Bill Payment Batches to view all payment batches that are pending approval.
Is there a notification sent to the approver when a batch is created?
Yes. The approvers will receive an email alert. For multiple levels, the second-level approver will only receive an email notification when the first-level approver has approved the batch.
Is there a notification sent to the approver when a batch is refreshed?
No. The person who refreshed the batch will receive the notification that the batch has been completed. The approver will only receive an email when the batch has been submitted.
Can I add notes or add other customizations to the email notification sent to approvers?
No. The email notification is standard and cannot be customized.
Does changing the approval limit affect open payment batches that have not yet been approved?
Yes. Open payment batches will be routed for approval based on the new payment approval limit. Payment batches in Pending Approval status will not be affected. The effect will not be retroactive. If a payment batch requires additional approval, then the new payment approval limit will be followed.
Can I edit a batch that I created manually?
No. Only an approver can edit a batch that was created manually.
Electronic Payment Email Notifications
Can I use custom payment receipts or payment vouchers when sending email notifications to customers?
Yes, as long as you are using preferred payment receipts or vouchers.
Is the Enhanced Email Notifications feature available to all NetSuite Electronic Payment users?
Yes. The Enhanced Email Notifications feature is available for all NetSuite Electronic Payments users.
What are the enhancements made to electronic payment email notifications?
You can use email templates for payment notifications
You can use standard templates for customer and vendor payments
You can use custom email templates
You can add multiple email recipients, cc, and bcc recipients
You can set a default email address field in entity records for payment notifications
You can change the email subject
You can send email notifications for customer refunds
Where can I find the new Email Address for Payment Notification field on entity records?
The Email Address for Payment Notification field is in the Classification section of the entity record.
Is it possible to move the Email Address for Payment Notification field to a different section of the entity record?
Yes. To move the Email Address for Payment Notification field to a different location on the entity record, you need to customize the entity record form.
Is it possible to enter multiple email addresses in the Email Address for Payment Notification field?
Yes. You can enter multiple email addresses, separated by a semicolon. The maximum number of characters allowed is 300.
If the Email Address for Payment Notification field is blank, where will the notification be sent?
The system will use the default email in the Email field found in Email | Phone | Address section of the entity record.
In the Payment Notification Page, is it possible to enter multiple email addresses in the Email Recipient, CC and BCC fields?
Yes. You can add multiple email addresses to the Payment Notification Page, but the 300 character limit applies to each of the Subject, Email Recipient, CC, and BCC fields.
Is it possible to enter Email Notes and use an email template at the same time on the Payment Notification page?
No. Only one can be used. If a template was selected after information was entered in the EMail Notes field, the information in the Email Notes will be wiped out.
Where are the electronic payment email templates stored?
The email templates are stored in Documents > File > File Cabinet > SuiteBundles > Bundle ID > Templates. You can create custom email templates and save it in this location.
Are there any prerequisites to use the electronic payment email templates?
Yes. The Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature must be enabled to use the electronic payment email templates.
Where can I set a default email template?
You can set a default email template for sending payment notifications at Payments > Setup > Electronic Payments Preferences > General Preference tab.
Related Topics
Electronic Payments Advanced Templates
What are the features of the Advanced Payment Templates?
Use of FreeMarker syntax as payment file generator
Extract values from a NetSuite record without the use of synonyms
Extract values from an array of NetSuite search results
Allows user to add conditional formatting
Exposed library that contains Electronic Payment built-in functions and data
Are there any other features that need to be enabled for the Advanced Payment Templates to work?
As a prerequisite, the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature must be enabled.
What will happen if the Advanced PDF/HTML Template feature is not enabled after the upgrade?
When processing payments, the Payment File Administration record will return an error message and payment file will not be created.
How do I know if I am using a Standard or Custom Payment File format?
To check the Payment File format:
Go to Payments > Setup > Bank Details.
Click View for the bank record that uses the payment file format.
On the Company Bank Details page, click the name of the EFT, DD, or Positive Pay Template.
On the Payment File Format page, verify if the Native Format box is checked. This indicates that you have selected a standard file format.
After the deprecation of the XML-based payment template generator in 18.1, where will I enter my custom payment template?
Enter your custom payment file template using FreeMarker syntax in the Bank File Template field.
Are there other changes after the deprecation of the XML syntax?
The File Fields and Use Advanced Template fields in Payment File Format record will be deprecated, as well.
Where can I get more information about FreeMarker?
To learn about FreeMarker, visit FreeMarker.org.
Electronic Payments API
Is this feature available in Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp?
Yes. Electronic Payments API is available in Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp but requires an active Advanced Electronic Bank Payments License and the NetSuite SuiteApps License Client installed in your account .
What customizations can be made on the Bill Payment Processing page with the Electronic Payments API feature?
Add and remove filters
Add columns
Remove fields
Is the option to customize the Bill Payment Processing page available in Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms?
This is done by creating a new Suitelet.
What are the fields that can be added as filters?
Fields that can be added as filters are fields from the Transaction Record (both Standard and Custom). Use the Internal ID of the fields.
What can be referenced when adding a column?
You can add Custom/Standard Entity Fields or Standard/Custom Transaction fields with the use of the Internal ID of the fields.
Which Standard Filters can be removed?
Transaction Type
Due Date From and To
Which Standard Fields can be removed?
EFT File Reference Note
Aggregate by Payee and And
Display Entity Name on Transaction Lists
Is this feature available in the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp?
This is available to accounts with Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp installed.
What is the difference between the Payee and Name columns?
The Payee column is being sourced from Entity Id field of entity records (i.e. Vendor ID), while the Name column is being sourced from the Company Name field (if Company type) or First Name & Last Name (if individual type) of entity records.
How do I enable the Include Name in Transaction List preference? What happens when this preference is enabled?
To enable the Include Name in Transaction List preference:
Go to Payments > Setup > Electronic Payments Preferences > Edit.
In the General Preferences tab, check the Include Name in Transaction List box.
Click Save.
The Name column is added to Electronic Payment Suitelets.
Will the Transaction List be sorted by Name?
The Transaction List will still sorted by Payee.
Synonyms for Common Validation Types
Is this feature available in Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp?
Validation types can only be used on custom formats. This feature is only available to customers with the Advanced Electronic Bank Payments License.
What are the seven (7) validation types?
modulo97 — Modulus 97 check digit validation
modulo11check1 — Modulus 11 Self Check
iban — validates the IBAN (International Bank Account Number) which includes Modulus 97 checking
bic — bank identifier/swift code validation
routingNumber — validates the routing number. This type is commonly used in US.
bban — validates the BBAN (Base Bank Account Number) which is used for domestic payments. This type requires a country parameter.
validContent — useful if you have a text field instead of a list field and you want to limit the characters entered by the user
What will happen if an invalid value is entered in a field that is being validated, such as the IBAN?
The user will encounter an error and the record will not be saved.
Parallel Processing for Automated Payment Batch
Is this feature available in the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp?
The Automated Payment Batch Processing feature is only available to customers with Advanced Electronic Bank Payments license. You must also install the NetSuite SuiteApps License Client SuiteApp.
Aside from the Advanced Electronic Bank Payments License, are there other prerequisites for this feature?
Yes, customers must also have the NetSuite SuiteApps License Client installed and a SuiteCloud Plus License.
What steps are involved in Parallel Processing for Automated Payment Batch?
Define new Script Deployments for Payment Batch Processing Script.
Set up multiple queues for batch processing. Make sure that all deployments have the same reference. To check, go to Payments > Setup > Electronic Payments Preferences > Queue Management.