Inventory Display

The Inventory Display extension lets you show stock status and available quantity on an item's Product Details page (PDP). You can customize the behavior for different types of inventory, such as special order or drop ship items. You can also create an additional message to display when an item is low on inventory.

This extension displays different notifications, depending on how you set up your web store. For more information about what determines inventory visibility with different types of items, see Item Inventory.

For assembly items, the extension displays the number of completed products available. For matrix items, the extension adapts to display each item option’s inventory level.

Inventory Display

Commerce extensions are only available if provisioned, installed, and activated for a selected domain in your account. For more information, see Commerce Extensions.


Extensions require SuiteCommerce or the Aconcagua release of SCA or later.

To enable Inventory Display for a product, perform the following steps:

Configure Properties

You can determine how Inventory Display appears on your website by configuring properties at the extension level and item level. Configuring properties at the extension level determines the settings for all items, but you can override these settings for specific items by configuring properties at the item level.

You can choose different status messages to display for regular, special order, and drop ship items, and create messages for when an item is low in inventory. You can also turn off Inventory Display messages for some or all items.

You can update item records individually or use Mass Update to configure Inventory Display for entire commerce categories. For more information about using the Mass Update functionality, see Mass Changes or Updates.

To configure properties at the extension level:

  1. After activating the Inventory Display extension in a NetSuite account, go to Commerce > Websites > Configuration.

    For more information about activating an extension, see Manage Themes and Extensions.

  2. Select the website and domain where the Inventory Display extension is activated and click Configure.

  3. Go to the Extensions tab.

  4. In the Inventory Display subtab, fill out the listed fields for each category, using the tables below as references.

  5. Click Save.

Regular Items:



In Stock Message - Regular Items

Sets the message to display for a regular item that is in stock.

Back Order Message - Regular Items

Sets the message to display for a regular item that is available on back order.

To avoid conflicting inventory display messages, set the Out of Stock Behavior to Allow back orders with no out-of-stock message. For more information about how to do this, see Setting Web Store Back Order and Out-of-Stock Preferences.

Quantity Available - Regular Items

Sets the message to display the quantity available for a regular item.

The placeholder [[quantity]] is automatically replaced by the currently available quantity.

Special Order Items:



In Stock Message - Special Order Items

Sets the message to display for a special order item that is in stock.

Back Order Message - Special Order Items

Sets the message to display for a special order item that is available on back order.

Always in Stock Message - Special Order Items

Sets the message to display when special order items are set to Always in Stock.

Drop Ship Items:



In Stock Message - Drop Ship Items

Sets the message to display for a drop ship item that is in stock.

Back Order Message - Drop Ship Items

Sets the message to display for a drop ship item that is available on back order.

Always in Stock Message - Drop Ship Items

Sets the message to display when drop ship items are set to Always in Stock.

Low Stock Fields:



Low Stock Threshold

Sets the stock amount that determines when to display a low stock message for regular items.

If set to 0, low stock messages do not display.

Low Stock Message

Determines the message to display when a regular item has met the low stock threshold.

The placeholder [[quantity]] is automatically replaced by the currently available quantity.

Hide Quantity Available for Low Stock

If checked, hides the quantity available for a regular item that has met the low stock threshold.

To configure properties at the item level:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Lists > Accounting > Items.

  2. Click Edit next to the item for which you want to configure Inventory Display.

  3. Go to the SuiteCommerce Extensions tab and the Inventory Display subtab.

  4. Fill out the listed fields for each category, using the table below as a reference.

  5. Click Save.

    • If the item is a Matrix Item, click Update Matrix.

    • If not, click Save.

Inventory Display Fields:



In Stock Message

Sets the message to display when the item is in stock.

This message overrides the In Stock Message or Always in Stock Message field on the SC Configuration record, depending on the type of item.

Back Order Message

Sets the message to display when the item is not in stock but available on back order.

To avoid conflicting messages and only display this message, set the Out of Stock Behavior field to Allow back orders with no out of stock message (Item record > Web Store subtab > Stock and Pricing Behavior section).

Quantity Available Message

Sets the message to display the quantity available.

The placeholder [[quantity]] is automatically replaced by the currently available quantity. This number updates dynamically for matrix and child items.

Low Stock Message

Sets the message to display when a regular item has met the low stock threshold.

The placeholder [[quantity]] is automatically replaced by the currently available quantity.

Low Stock Threshold

Sets the stock amount that determines when to display a low stock message for regular items.

If set to 0, low stock messages do not display.

Hide Quantity Available

If checked, hides the quantity available for this item.

Hide Quantity Available for Low Stock

If checked, hides the quantity available for a regular item that has met the low stock threshold.

Hide Inventory Messages

If checked, hides the quantity and inventory messages for this item.

Update Field Sets

The field sets for a website determine the data that is exposed to site templates. To employ the Inventory Display feature, you must add several fields to the site’s details and matrixchilditems field sets. For more information about field sets, see Define Field Sets.

To add fields to the Web Site Setup Record:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Website List.

  2. Click Edit next to the website to which you are adding Inventory Display.

  3. Go to the Field Sets subtab.

  4. Add the following fields to the details and matrixchilditems field sets:

    • Drop Ship Item

    • Special Order Item

    • In Stock Message

    • Back Order Message

    • Quantity Available Message

    • Low Stock Message

    • Low Stock Threshold

    • Hide Quantity Available

    • Hide Quantity Available for Low Stock

    • Hide Inventory Messages

    To add each field to each field set, perform the following steps:

    1. Locate the Fields Included in Field Set column and click the Set button.

    2. Select the fields from the Field Name list and click Add.

    3. In the Field Set window, click Submit.

    4. In the Field Set row, click OK.

  5. After adding the fields to both field sets, click Save.

When setup is complete, you can display stock status and inventory quantity on product detail pages.

General Notices