Payroll Batch Subtabs
After payroll batch calculation begins, the following subtabs appear at the bottom of the page:
Pending – This subtab lists any new or changed paychecks. It is similar to the Employees to Pay list at the bottom of an uncalculated Payroll Batch page. It includes the same filters, fields, and buttons.
Error – This subtab lists errors and issues with individual checks. It includes the same filters, fields, and buttons as the Pending subtab. Each entry on this subtab includes a message that is stored with the employee paycheck record.
Complete – This subtab has the following subtabs:
Summary – Information that appears on this subtab is detailed on the Paychecks, Tax Withholdings and Expenses, Third Party Payments, Fees, and Net Pay subtabs.
Paychecks – Includes the employee name, employee ID, and payment method. Additional information that displays includes individual earnings amount, deductions amount, employee taxes amount, net pay, company taxes amount, and the line total of these amounts. From this subtab you can perform the following tasks:
Use the Workplace, Department, Class, and Saved Search filters and the Employee field to reduce the employees eligible to be paid in this batch.
Remove one or more paychecks from this payroll batch by checking the Select boxes next to the paychecks to be removed and then clicking Remove.
View a paycheck by clicking the View link to the left of the paycheck.
Modify a paycheck by clicking the Edit link to the left of the paycheck you want to modify.
For more information, see Editing an Individual Paycheck from a Payroll Batch.
Access an employee record by clicking the employee’s name link in the Employee column.
For more information about employee records, see Adding an Employee.
Tax Withholdings and Expenses – Includes a description of each tax withholding and expense item included in this payroll batch and its associated deduction amount.
Third Party Payments – Includes a description of each payment item included in this payroll batch and its associated payment amount.
Fees -includes the date, transaction type, item, count, and amount.
Net Pay – Includes detailed information about each paycheck including all tax withholdings, expenses, and third-party payments. From this subtab you can perform the following tasks:
Use the Workplace, Department, Class, and Saved Search filters and the Employee field to reduce the employees eligible to be paid in this batch.
Remove one or more paychecks from this payroll batch by checking the Select boxes next to the paychecks to be removed and then clicking Remove.
View a paycheck by clicking the View link to the left of the paycheck.
Modify a paycheck by clicking the Edit link to the left of the paycheck you want to modify.
Access an employee record by clicking the employee’s name link in the Employee column.