Editing Payroll Items in Bulk on a Payroll Batch
You can edit the values for a payroll item across multiple paychecks within a batch. The Employees to Pay list at the bottom of the Payroll Batch page includes a Bulk Edit button. After a payroll batch is calculated, the Bulk Edit button appears on the Pending subtab and on the Paychecks and Net Pay subtabs. (The Paychecks and Net Pay subtabs are on the Complete subtab.) When you click the Bulk Edit button, a popup window opens. From there, you can select a payroll item to edit.
To edit a payroll item for multiple paychecks:
If you do not have a payroll batch open, go to Transactions > Employees > Create Payroll > List. Next to a calculated batch, click Edit.
Add employees if none are listed.
Click Bulk Edit. This button is in the upper right of the following:
Employees to Pay list
Pending subtab
Paycheck subtab of Complete subtab
Net Pay subtab of Complete subtab
Errors subtab
From the list in the popup window, select a Payroll Item.
Employees in the batch, whose employee records include the payroll item, appear in an editable list below a filter row. The list includes the option to add employee records.
Calculated paychecks display values. If a paycheck has not been calculated, 0 amounts are displayed.
Tax items are available only if they are calculated, included on the paycheck, and permit editing.
Note:Payroll items that are calculated automatically using some NetSuite features cannot be edited. These features are Time Tracking, Expense Reports, and Employee Commissions. You can add lines for these payroll items.
Optionally, you can use the filters to find records to edit. The filter criteria is additive. Only employees who meet all criteria in the filters are displayed. The filters include:
Workplace – Select a workplace from the list.
For more information, see Entering Workplace Records for Payroll.
Employee Department – Select a department from the list.
Employee Class Select a class from the list.
For more information, see Departments and Classes Overview.
Saved Search – Select a saved search from the list.
For more information, see Saved Searches.
Employee Name – Type characters in the field to search for a specific employee or multiple employees with the same character set in their names.
Employee ID-Type the corresponding ID for this employee.
Edit the record rows, or add records, as needed.
The read-only Manual Entry field in the popup window is empty for all automatically calculated lines. This does not change when you edit the line. If a line is not automatically calculated, the value Yes appears in the Manual Entry field. NetSuite saves the yes value only if you change the amount to a non-zero value. If you add a line, the value in the Manual Entry field is always Yes. NetSuite does not save lines with a value of 0, regardless of whether you added or edited them.
You cannot add lines to tax items, so these items do not include a Manual Entry field.
When you finish, click Save. If your changes affect paychecks, the paychecks appear in the Pending subtab.
After you make changes, you must recalculate the payroll batch before you can commit it. When you recalculate, manual entries are not changed, but automatic entries are cleared and recalculated. For more information, see Calculating a Payroll Batch.