Close Management and Consolidation Sync Installation and Setup

To install and set up the Close Management and Consolidation Sync SuiteApp, you must have the Administrator role and complete the following consecutive steps:

  1. Make sure you have the NetSuite EPM Connector SuiteApp installed and set up properly for your Financial Consolidation and Close.

    See NetSuite EPM Connector Installation and Setup.

  2. Enable the required features in your NetSuite account.

    See Required Features for Installing the Close Management and Consolidation Sync SuiteApp.

  3. Install the Close Management and Consolidation Sync SuiteApp.

    See Installing the Close Management and Consolidation Sync SuiteApp.

  4. Assign roles to Close Management and Consolidation Sync users.

    See Role Permissions for Close Management and Consolidation Sync Users.

  5. Create an integration user with proper permissions.

    See Setting Up the Integration User for Close Management and Consolidation Sync.

  6. Set up token-based authentication (TBA) for Financial Consolidation and Close users.

    See Setting Up Token-based Authentication for Close Management and Consolidation Sync.

  7. Set up the connection to your Financial Consolidation and Close.

    See Setting Up the Connection to Financial Consolidation and Close.

  8. Schedule the required Close Management and Consolidation Sync script deployments.

    See Scheduling Script Deployments for Close Management and Consolidation Sync.

  9. Use a checklist of tasks to validate your Close Management and Consolidation Sync setup.

    See Close Management and Consolidation Sync Configuration Checklist.

After the SuiteApp is configured, you can use the following functionality provided by Close Management and Consolidation Sync:

General Notices