Using SuiteAnalytics Datasets with Close Management and Consolidation Sync

Besides the saved searches in NetSuite, Close Management and Consolidation Sync lets you use SuiteAnalytics datasets to load data and metadata from NetSuite to your Close Management and Consolidation. To use SuiteAnalytics datasets with Close Management and Consolidation Sync, you need to prefix each dataset with _nsfc_. Every dataset the ID of which includes this prefix is then listed in Data Exchange. You can configure and call it from Data Exchange in the same way as you configure and call saved searches.


The filters you set on your datasets in NetSuite are not available in Data Exchange.

Close Management and Consolidation Sync includes predefined datasets that you can use to load metadata from NetSuite to your Close Management and Consolidation. For information, see the following help topics:

For general information about using SuiteAnalytics datasets, see Custom Workbooks and Datasets.

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