Role Permissions for Close Management and Consolidation Sync Users
If you have the Administrator role, you can assign roles with specific permissions to new or existing users in NetSuite. Depending on tasks the users should perform, you can assign the following roles:
FCCS Integration
You can assign the FCCS Integration role to a user that the Close Management and Consolidation Sync SuiteApp will use to integrate with your Close Management and Consolidation.
For information, see Setting Up the Integration User for Close Management and Consolidation Sync.
NSEPM Implementer
You can assign the NSEPM Implementer role to a user who should set up and configure the Close Management and Consolidation Sync SuiteApp on a NetSuite account.
For information, see Setting Up the NSEPM Implementer Role with Close Management and Consolidation Sync.
Related Topics
- Close Management and Consolidation Sync Installation and Setup
- Required Features for Installing the Close Management and Consolidation Sync SuiteApp
- Installing the Close Management and Consolidation Sync SuiteApp
- Managing Jobs in Close Management and Consolidation Sync
- Setting Up Token-based Authentication for Close Management and Consolidation Sync
- Setting Up the Connection to Financial Consolidation and Close
- Scheduling Script Deployments for Close Management and Consolidation Sync
- Close Management and Consolidation Sync Configuration Checklist
- Saved Searches for Close Management and Consolidation Sync
- Managing the Close Management and Consolidation Saved Searches
- Saved Search Settings in Close Management and Consolidation Sync
- Metadata Export to Financial Consolidation and Close
- Account Metadata Hierarchy in Close Management and Consolidation Sync
- Using SuiteAnalytics Datasets with Close Management and Consolidation Sync
- Managing Jobs in Close Management and Consolidation Sync
- Substitution Variables in Close Management and Consolidation Sync
- Integration Artifacts
- Portlets for Close Management and Consolidation Sync