Using Single Sign-On with NetSuite Analytics Warehouse

You can use single sign-on (SSO) to go from NetSuite to your NetSuite Analytics Warehouse instance without having to enter the login credentials. To enable users to do this, you must:


All users accessing NetSuite Analytics Warehouse by SSO need to be added first to the SSO network (SAML or OIDC). If you would like to allow external users to log in to NetSuite Analytics Warehouse by using their login credentials, you need to request this possibility to Technical Support before setting up SSO for NetSuite Analytics Warehouse. For more information about contacting Technical Support, see Technical Support.

Setting up SAML SSO for NetSuite Analytics Warehouse

You can enable users to access their instance of NetSuite Analytics Warehouse by using SAML SSO. For more information about SAML SSO, see SAML Single Sign-on.

To set up SAML SSO for NetSuite Analytics Warehouse:

  1. Get the metadata file from your IdP.

  2. Verify that the users have been created both in your IdP and in NetSuite Analytics Warehouse with the same email address. For more information, see Managing Users, Groups, and Access.

  3. Enable SAML SSO in NetSuite. The process for enabling SAML SSO in NetSuite depends on your IdP.

  4. Access the NetSuite Analytics Warehouse home page. For more information, see NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Basics.

  5. Open the NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Navigator menu and select Console.

  6. In the Service Administration section, select Authentication.

  7. In the NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Authentication section, select Enable SSO.

  8. Select SAML as an IdP type to use.

  9. Upload the IdP metadata file you saved in step 1.

  10. Click Save.

  11. Log in to NetSuite using the SSO user and role through the IdP.

Setting up OIDC SSO for NetSuite Analytics Warehouse

You can enable users to access their instance of NetSuite Analytics Warehouse by using OIDC SSO. For more information about OIDC SSO, see OpenID Connect (OIDC) Single Sign-on.

To do so, you need to:

  • Create an integration record.

  • Set up OIDC SSO for NetSuite Analytics Warehouse.

  • Set up and enable the roles.


Only users assigned the Administrator role can complete these steps. Also, only users assigned the NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Administrator role can complete the OIDC SSO set up step.

To create an integration record:

  1. Go to the NetSuite Analytics Warehouse login page. For more information, see NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Basics.

  2. Copy the login page URL from https:// up until Add /oauth2/v1/social/callback at the end of this URL (for example, Save this URL for later, and keep this tab open.

  3. Go to Setup > Integration > Manage Integrations > New. For more information, see Creating an Integration Record.

  4. Enter a name for the integration record.

  5. Clear the TBA: Authorization Flow and Token-based Authentication boxes.

  6. In the Redirect URI field, paste the URL you have created in step 2.

  7. Click Save.


    Do not close the integration record page until you have completed all steps in this section. You need information in this page to complete the setup.

To set up OIDC SSO for NetSuite Analytics Warehouse:

  1. Access the NetSuite Analytics Warehouse home page using another browser or tab.

  2. Open the NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Navigator menu and select Console. For more information, see NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Basics.

  3. In the Service Administration section, select Authentication.

  4. In the NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Authentication section, select Enable SSO as an authentication method to use.

  5. Select OIDC (OpenID Connect) as an IdP type to use.

  6. In the Authentication System Settings section, enter the following information:

    • Go to the integration record page, copy the Consumer Key / Client ID code and paste it in the Client ID field.

    • Go to the integration record page, copy the Consumer Secret / Client Secret code and paste it in the Client Secret field.

    • In another tab, open NetSuite, go to Setup > Integration > NetSuite as OIDC Provider Setup, and copy the Metadata URL. Go back to the NetSuite Analytics Warehouse tab and paste it in the Discovery service URL field.

  7. Click Save.

To set up and enable the roles:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage roles.

  2. Create a new role or find the role for which you want to enable OIDC SSO access and click Customize or Edit. For more information, see Customizing and Creating Roles.

  3. Go to the Permissions subtab and select the Setup sublist.

  4. Add the following permissions to the role:

    • REST Web Services

    • Login using OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens

  5. Click Save.

  6. Assign this role to the employees you want to enable OIDC SSO access to. For more information, see Assigning Roles to an Employee.

  7. Go to Setup > Integration > NetSuite as OIDC Provider Setup.

  8. Click the integration record you have created previously.

  9. Click the tab Entities. In the Employees box, select the employees you want to enable the SSO access and move them to the Selected Employees box.

  10. Click the tab Roles. In the Roles box, select the roles you set up previously and move them to the Selected Roles box.

  11. Click Save.

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