View SuiteScript AI Usage Limit and Usage

SuiteScript Generative AI APIs includes a pool of limited, free usage. The free usage pool is renewed each month. The usage table on the SuiteScript subtab of the AI Preferences page shows the amount available for the account. If you want to verify the amount of free usage available when running SuiteScript code, your code can use the methods llm.getRemainingFreeUsage() or llm.getRemainingFreeUsage.promise().

If your company wants unlimited usage, you must set up an Oracle Cloud account with Oracle Generative AI service. For more information about setting up the unlimited usage option, see Configure OCI Credentials for AI and Manage SuiteScript AI Preferences.

To view SuiteScript AI usage limit and usage for an account:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > AI > AI Preferences.

  2. From the AI Preferences page, click the SuiteScript subtab.

  3. Locate the usage table. The usage table shows the following information:

    • Month: Usage month and year.

    • Usage Limit: Number of free uses of the SuiteScript Generative AI APIs available for the account during the month.

    • Used Quantity: Number of successful uses of the SuiteScript Generative AI APIs for the month. NetSuite only counts actions that use the generative AI service successfully. All completed actions are counted. Unsuccessful attempts are not counted.


    The usage table will not show any data until your SuiteScript code successfully uses generative AI by sending a request to the large language model and receiving a response. Before your SuiteScript code successfully uses generative AI, the usage table shows the message "No records to show."

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