Tax Determination Rules Setup for Brazil
To access the SuiteTax Latam Engine -Brazil Records documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see SuiteTax Latam Engine -Brazil Records.
The SuiteTax Latam Engine -Brazil Records SuiteApp provides a set of predefined tax determination rules to calculate Brazilian taxes.
Tax determination rules is a custom record type provided by the SuiteTax Latam Engine SuiteApp. The record gathers information related to the tax determination process, such as which subsidiaries and items are subject to which tax codes, rates, and effectivity periods. For more information, see Creating Tax Determination Rules in the SuiteTax Latam Engine.
You can use the predefined files as examples and templates for you to set up your own tax determination rules. You can also import the predefined rules to your account according to your business needs.
The SuiteApp provides the predefined tax determination rules as CSV files. The predefined rules cover the following taxation scenarios:
Sales and purchases of goods – From each Brazilian state to all Brazilian states, in the Lucro Presumido and Simples Nacional tax regimes.
Sales and purchases of services – From the city of São Paulo (SP) to all Brazilian state capitals.
The predefined tax determination rules include general information for tax calculation in Brazil. After you import the CSV files and create the tax determination rules records in your account, you must set them up with your company-specific information.
For more information about the predefined tax determination rules for Brazil, see the following topics:
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- SuiteTax Latam Engine -Brazil Records
- SuiteTax Latam Engine -Brazil Records SuiteApp Installation
- Roles and Permissions for the SuiteTax Latam Engine -Brazil Records
- SuiteTax Latam Engine Plug-ins for Brazil
- Tax Codes and Tax Types for Brazil
- Creating CFOP Codes
- Creating Tax Determination Rules for Specific CFOP, MCN, or Service Codes
- Creating Tax Determination Settings for Specific Origin Codes
- Parameter Types for Brazil
- Setting Tax Information in Subsidiary Records for Brazil
- SuiteTax Latam Engine -Brazil Records Best Practices and Known Limitations