Creating a Custom HTML Template Case Form
Use the following steps to create a custom HTML template case form.
To create a custom HTML template case form:
Go to Setup > Support > Online Case Forms > New.
Select Custom HTML Template.
Add a name of your Template to the Title field.
Select your custom HTML template from the Template field.
Note:If this is the first time you have used your custom HTML file, note the following. You must convert it into an online form template before it appears in the template list. To create the online template, select New from the list. Name the template, and then locate your HTML file from the Marketing Templates folder in File Cabinet. For more information about online form templates, see Online Form Templates.
Ensure that the selected fields match those of your custom HTML template.
Click Save.
When you create your custom form and template record, check Include Field Labels if your template includes the field names for your form. When you check this box, NetSuite adds the field name that matches each tag.
When your online case form is complete, your support team can start handling cases entered using your form.