Creating Online HTML Form Templates

When you create an online form template you determine how the fields are arranged. You also decide which fields to include on the form, and the style of the page.

You must include the following elements in the HTML code:


Do not use multiple instances of the same NL tag in a custom template, for example (<nlfile>). This will result in an error when the user submits the form.

In the body of your template, you use field tags to place the fields that appear on your form.

The following table includes all of the standard field tags used in online HTML customer forms. These include all of the default fields on the case record:



Company Name












File Upload


Case Origin


Case Type


Contact First Name


Contact Last Name


Contact Middle Name


Phone Number


Incident Date


Incident Time


Support Issue


Support Item


To determine the tags to use for custom fields, an administrator can go to Setup > Entity Fields. Hold your mouse pointer over the field you want to include in your template. At the bottom of the page, the Web address for this page appears in your browser. At the end of the address is the field tag. For example, the tag may look like this:



When you create your online form, you can choose to have NetSuite insert field names into your form. Or, you can choose to name the fields on the form with text in your template.

Your form should also include a button your customers use to submit the form to your NetSuite account. The HTML code for this button is:

          <input type="submit" value="Button Text"> 


You can substitute text in the button by changing the value in your code. For example, if you want the text in the button to read Submit Form, the code would be:

<input type="submit" value="Submit Form">

Below is a basic representation of an acceptable HTML form template that includes field labels in the HTML code:

<p>Please enter the name of your company: <NLCOMPANYNAME></p>
<p>Enter a contact email address: <NLEMAIL></p>
<p>Enter a title for the message: <NLTITLE></P>
<p>Enter your message here: <NLINCOMINGMESSAGE></p>
<p><input type="submit" value= "Submit Form"></p>
<p> Attach a file here: <NLFILE> </p>


You can include labels for each field in the HTML code in your template, or NetSuite can insert default labels for each field. The example above includes labels in the HTML code that let customers know what information should be entered in each field.

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