Creating an Online Case Form

When customers click the link to your online case form, they enter information relating to the question or issue they have. They may also upload images or documents to aid support reps in resolving their case. When a customer clicks Submit, a case record is automatically generated in your account and populated with the supplied customer information.

To create an online case form:

  1. Go to Setup > Support > Online Case Forms > New.

  2. Click Default Form Template to use NetSuite default format for an online form.

    You can also click Custom HTML Template if you have uploaded a template for this form to the File Cabinet. For more information about custom HTML forms, see Custom HTML Form Templates.

  3. Enter a title for this form.

    This title appears at the top of the form.

  4. If you are creating a form using the default template:

    • Enter a message in the Message field that your customers will see at the top of the form.

      This message can include up to 500 HTML characters.

    • In the Detail Message field, enter a message you would like to appear at the bottom of the form.

      This message can include up to 4000 HTML characters.

  5. If you are using a custom HTML form template:

    • Select the template you are using for this form.

    • To have NetSuite add field labels to your form, check the Include Field Labels box.

      This adds labels based on the tags in your custom template such as Name, Company or Subject.

  6. Check the Enable Online box to be able to link to this form from a website.

  7. On the Select Fields subtab, in the Field column, select a field you would like to include on the form.


    To allow customers to upload files through the form, add the File field.

    1. In the Label column, you can edit the name of the field as it appears on the form.

    2. In the Section column, select the subtab you want this field to appear on. See Customization > Forms > Subtabs

    3. In the Help column, enter any text you would like to appear below the field to assist your customers when completing the form.

    4. In the Width column, enter the width for the field.

    5. To make a field a required field, check the box in the Mandatory column.

    6. Check the Search box if you do not have duplicate detection enabled on the Set Up Workflow subtab. (Step 8.)

      NetSuite will index that field against existing records and suggest matches.

      If the information matches another record, the new information is appended to the existing record. You can determine what NetSuite does when it finds duplicate information in an existing record using the Handle Duplicate Records field.

      This option is required for Contact First and Last Name fields. You can also search for duplicated company names, email addresses, phone numbers and information entered in custom fields.

    7. In the Hide column, check the box next to any field you want to hide on the form.

      Hidden fields are useful if you pass information into the form through the URL in the link. For more information, see Linking to Online Forms.

    8. Check the box in the Select column if you want your customer to choose from a dropdown or popup list in this field.

    9. Click Add.

    10. Repeat these steps for each field on the form.

    11. Use the Move Up, Move Down, Move to Top and Move to Bottom buttons to change the order fields appear on your form.

    12. If you are using the default template, click the Detail Message subtab, and enter a message to appear at the bottom of your form.

  8. Click the Set Up Workflow subtab.

    1. Click the Set Up Workflow subtab.

    2. Click the Create Customers as Companies box if you want new contacts to be created as a company rather than as an individual. This is true if there is no match to an existing record.

    3. Select the profile from the Default Case Profile field that you want to assign to cases created through this online case form. You can also set the profile on case forms. Add the profile as a parameter to the form URL or allow those submitting the form to set the profile manually.

      Profiles determine the following:

      • the from name and from email address shown on notifications sent for this case

      • the notification templates used when the case is created, updated, or closed

      You can create new case profiles at Setup > Support > Case Profiles > New

    4. In the Set Case Origin field, select the origin you want to associate with case records created through this form.

      You can create new case origins at Setup > Support > Case Origins > New..

    5. Complete the Redirect to URL field with the URL you want customers redirected to after completing the form. This is a required field.

      Your Web store home page URL appears here by default.

    6. in the Handle Duplicate Records field, select an action to take if a duplicate record is detected.

    7. Check the Use Duplicate Detection Criteria box if you want to use the standard criteria set in the company setup page.

    8. Select a template from Send Auto-Reply Email if you want to send an auto-generated reply to the sender when the form is submitted. This requires the Marketing Automation feature to be enabled. See Setup > Company > Enable Features

      To create email templates, see Documents > Templates > Email Templates > New.

    9. Add a subject for the auto-generated message in the Subject field

    10. From the Notification Template field, select which template to use when notifying people listed in the Email Address of Recipients field. If you want to create a new template choose New from the dropdown menu

    11. In the Email Address of Recipients field, enter the email addresses of those to be notified when a customer completes and submits the form. Enter the full email address separated by commas or semicolons.

  9. Click the Set Up Appearance subtab.


    Many of the options listed below do not appear on custom HTML template forms. If you are creating an online form with a custom HTML form template, include style and appearance settings in the HTML code of the template.

    1. Choose how many columns you want the form to be displayed in.

    2. Select a color theme for the form.

    3. Select a font for the form.

    4. Check the Unlayered Sections box, if you want your form to appear without tabbed sections.

    5. Choose where to place the buttons on the form from the Button Alignment field.

    6. Select a logo to place at the top of the form. Logos should be uploaded to the images folder in the File Cabinet. See Documents > Files > File Cabinet

  10. If you intend to use SuiteScript features, click the Custom Code subtab to:

    • Choose a JavaScript file that contains your desired scripts in the Script File field. Client scripts or scripts referenced in client scripts, such as library files, cannot have the Hide in SuiteBundle preference enabled on the script file record.

    • In the Page Init Function field, select a script from your script file that is called when the form is first loaded.

      If you are using an online HTML form template for this form, include this script in your HTML template file.

    • In the Save Record Function field, select a script from your script file that is called when the form is saved.

    • In the Validate Field Function field, select a script to call from your script file when a field on the form is changed.

    • In the Field Changed Function field, select a script to call from your script file when a change to a form field is accepted.

  11. Save the form.

After you save the form, click Preview Form to view your form.

Now customers can enter support cases on your website, and case records are automatically created in NetSuite.

After you complete your online case form, you can choose to publish the form or link to the form. To publish the form, create a case form information item at Commerce > Site Builder > Content > Information Items > New. For more information, see Case and Customer Forms.

To link to the form, click the External subtab on the form record. You can use the provided URL to link to this form on your website. When you link to the form, the form pops up in a new window.

Cases created using the Online Case Form are given the status of Not Started by default.

If you use NetSuite OneWorld, see Setting Up Online Case Forms for NetSuite OneWorld for information on setting up online case forms to track subsidiaries.

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