Billing a Purchase Order and Posting an Electronic Invoice for Goods (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

When you acquire goods from a vendor, they generate an electronic invoice for goods (NF-e). You must bill your purchase order and post the inbound electronic invoice information as described in this topic.


If you use the Advanced Receiving feature, before you bill the purchase order, you need to receive it. For more information about receiving purchase orders, see Receiving Orders.

To bill a purchase order and post an electronic invoice for goods:

  1. Go to Transactions > Purchases > Enter Purchases > List.

  2. Find the purchase order record you want and click View.

  3. Click Bill.

    This creates a vendor bill record. The vendor bill is populated with the information you entered on the purchase order transaction.

  4. Review the information populated on the vendor bill.

    If required, you can change the information to match any changes on your purchase.

  5. If you use the approval workflow, in the Approval Status field, select the transaction’s status.

    If you want NetSuite to include this transaction in inbound electronic invoice reports, such as fiscal books, select Approved.

  6. Under Informações Fiscais, in the Tipo Emitente field, select 1 - Terceiro.

  7. In the Natureza de Operação field, select the nature of the transaction, as described in the electronic invoice you received.

  8. In the Modelo field, select the template number of the electronic invoice you received.

  9. In the Número field, enter the number of the electronic invoice you received.

  10. Click the NF-e subtab.

  11. Under NF-e, in the Chave de Acesso field, enter the access key assigned to the electronic invoice you received.

  12. Under NF-e, you can enter additional information about the electronic invoice for goods you received from your vendor.

    1. In the Protocolo de Autorização field, enter the certification protocol assigned to the electronic invoice you received.

    2. In the Data Envio field, select or enter the date your vendor sent you the electronic invoice for goods.

    3. In the Status NFe field, select the status of the electronic invoice for goods you received.

    4. In the Data de Saída/Entrada field, select or enter the electronic invoice certification date.

    5. In the Hora de Saída/Entrada field, enter the electronic invoice certification time.

    6. If the vendor issued the electronic invoice in contingency mode, check the NF-e Emitida em Modo de Contingência box.

  13. If the vendor shipped the goods to you, under Frete, you can enter the shipping information.

    1. In the Frete por Conta field, select the type of shipping associated with this item.

      By default, the 9 - Sem ocorrência de transporte option is populated. You can change it to the proper shipping type, if required.

    2. In the Código ANTT field, enter the shipping company’s Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres (ANTT) code.

    3. In the Placa do Veículo field, enter the license plate number of the vehicle assigned to ship the items

    4. In the UF Placa field, select the federative unit of the vehicle’s license plate.

    5. If the vendor used a second vehicle to ship the items, fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Placa do Veículo 2 field, enter the license plate number of the second vehicle assigned to ship the items.

      2. In the UF Placa 2 field, select the federative unit of the second vehicle’s license plate.

    6. If the vendor used a third vehicle to ship the items, fill in the following fields:

      1. In the Placa do Veículo 3 field, enter the license plate number of the third vehicle assigned to ship the items.

      2. In the UF Placa 3 field, select the federative unit of the third vehicle’s license plate.

  14. If the vendor shipped the goods to you, under Carga, you can enter the shipment information.

    1. In the Quantidade field, enter the amount of items shipped.

    2. In the Espécie field, enter the unit of measurement used to count the amount of items (for example, units or boxes).

    3. In the Marca field, enter the brand of the items.

    4. In the Numeração field, enter the serial number of the shipment.

    5. In the Peso Bruto field, enter the gross weight of the shipment.

    6. In the Peso Líquido field, enter the net weight of the shipment.

  15. After you have entered all the relevant information about your purchase and the inbound electronic invoice associated with it, click Save.

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