Billing a Purchase Order and Posting an Electronic Invoice for Services (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

When you acquire services from a vendor, they generate an electronic invoice for services (NFS-e). You must bill your purchase order and post the inbound electronic invoice information as described in this topic.

To bill a purchase order and post an electronic invoice for services:

  1. Go to Transactions > Purchases > Enter Purchases > List.

  2. Find the purchase order record you want and click View.

  3. Click Bill.

    This creates a vendor bill record. The vendor bill is populated with the information you entered on the purchase order transaction.

  4. Review the information populated on the vendor bill.

    If required, you can change the information to match any changes on your purchase.

  5. If you use the approval workflow, in the Approval Status field, select the transaction’s status.

    If you want NetSuite to include this transaction in inbound electronic invoice reports, such as fiscal books, select Approved.

  6. Under Informações Fiscais, in the Tipo Emitente field, select 1 -Terceiro.

  7. Click the NFS-e subtab.

  8. Under NFS-e, in the Número NFS-e field, enter the number of the electronic invoice you received from your vendor.

  9. In the Série NFS-e field, enter the series associated with the electronic invoice you received.

  10. Under NFS-e, you can enter additional information about the electronic invoice for services you received from your vendor.

    1. In the Número RPS field, enter the transitory receipt for services (RPS) number associated with the electronic invoice you received.

    2. In the Código de Verificação field, enter the verification code associated with the electronic invoice you received.

    3. In the Data Emissão field, enter or select the electronic invoice certification date.

      This field is important if you selected a term of payment that uses the certification date to calculate the installments’ due dates. The term of payment is set on the Parcelas subtab, in the Condição de Pagamento field.

    4. In the Data Emissão RPS field, enter or select the RPS number generation date.

    5. In the Natureza da Operação field, select the type of tax collection on services (ISS).

    6. In the Status field, select the status of the electronic invoice for services you received.

    7. In the Modelo Documento Fiscal field, enter the template number of the electronic invoice you received.

  11. (Optional) If you want to calculate ISS CPOM using the tax rate from the purchaser’s city, under Informações de Serviço Prestado, in the Município do Serviço Prestado, select the city.

    If the service was provided abroad, select Exterior. If you do not select a city or if the system cannot find a tax rate for the selected city, NetSuite calculates ISS CPOM with the tax rate from the vendor’s city. For more information about setting up ISS rates, see ISS Calculation (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

  12. If you selected Exterior in the Município do Serviço Prestado field, under Informações de Serviço Prestado, in the País do Serviço Prestado, select the country.

  13. (Optional) If you are acquiring a service from an international vendor, under Informações de Serviço Prestado, check the Gera Crédito PIS/COFINS Importação box.

    When you check this box, NetSuite posts the credit amounts for the Programa de Integração Social (PIS) tax and the Contribuição para o Financiamento da Seguridade Social (COFINS) contribution on your general ledger.

  14. (Optional) If you are acquiring a service from a self-employed provider, under Outras Informações, check the RPA box.

    This option indicates that taxes should apply to the Recibo do Pagamento Autônomo (RPA).

  15. After you have entered all the relevant information about your purchase and the inbound electronic invoice associated with it, click Save.

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