Entering Information Related to the SIMP System (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

You can enter information related to the Sistema de Informações de Movimentação de Produtos (SIMP) system if your company manufactures or trades goods regulated by the Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP).

The SIMP system covers producers, refiners, distributors, Transportador-Revendedor-Retalhistas (TRRs), resellers, and other agents.

To enter information related to the SIMP system:

  1. Go to BRHub > Informações Complementares > Subsidiária.

  2. Click Edit next to the subsidiary complementary record you want to edit.

  3. Click the I-SIMP subtab.

  4. In the Agente Regulado Informante -ARI field, enter the ANP code of the Agente Regulado Informante (ARI) as listed in the Tabela de Código de Agente Regulado da ANP chart.

  5. In the Código de Instalação 1 field, enter the installation code of the ARI in which the operation is occurring, according to the Tabela de Código de Instalação da ANP chart.

  6. Click Save.

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