Setting Up the Informação Complementar da Subsidiária Record (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
The informação complementar da subsidiária (subsidiary complementary information) record enables you to set up additional fiscal information and specific requirements for submitting data to municipal, state, or federal tax authorities.
NetSuite uses the information in this record during other operations and transactions to automatically populate certain fields. However, you can modify these fields in the transactions, if necessary.
To set up the informação complementar da subsidiária record:
Go to BRHub > Informações Complementares > Subsidiária > New.
In the Name field, enter a name for this record.
In the Subsidiária field, select the subsidiary related to this record.
In the Código do Município field, select the subsidiary’s city.
(Optional) If special events, such as mergers or incorporations, affect your legal entity status during the current fiscal year, in the Indicador de Situação Especial field, select the subsisidary's special status.
For example, this status impacts the data submitted to the Sistema Público de Escrituração Digital (SPED) Contábil in the EFD-Reinf report.
In the CNAE field, select the subsidiary’s Classificação Nacional de Atividades Econômicas (CNAE) code.
The CNAE code is related to the economic activity performed by the subsidiary (products manufactured, goods sold, or services provided) and it is required to issue the EFD-Reinf report.
In the Modelo E-Doc Nota Débito field, select the e-document template for issuing debit notes.
(Optional) To enable the editing of electronic invoices issued by this subsidiary, check the Permitir a Edição de Notas Após a Emissão box.
(Optional) In the Descrição Cancelamento Memorando field, enter a custom description for credit memos using the following variables to compose the text you want:
#NF# – Electronic invoice number
#CLIENTE# – Customer name
#DTEMISSAO# -Electronic invoice issue date
#DTCANCELAMENTO# -Electronic invoice cancellation date
#PERIODOCONTABIL# -Accounting period (month, year)
For example, the custom description Electronic Invoice Cancellation No. #NF# from the customer #CLIENTE# is displayed in the credit memo as Electronic Invoice Cancellation No. 9999 from the customer John Doe.
(Optional) If you want to add a custom segment ID to the transaction’s GL Impact, in the ID Segmento Personalizado field, enter the ID.
This enables the identification of this ID among the lines posted in the GL Impact.
If the subsidiary is entitled to tax benefits due to a special tax regime, in the Regime Especial de Tributação field, select the category in which the subsidiary fits.
In the Regime de Tributação field, select the tax regime adopted by the subsidiary.
Click the Parcelamento subtab.
On this subtab you can enter information that affects the accounting of delayed or discounted payments.
In the Condição de Pagamento Padrão field, select a default term of payment for the transactions linked to the subsidiary.
Note:If a default term of payment was set up on the vendor or customer record selected in a transaction, NetSuite gives preference to that term over the subsidiary’s. If needed, you can change the term of payment in the transaction.
In the Banco Previsão field, select the preferred bank to receive payments for transactions from this subsidiary.
You can change the bank in the payment transaction.
In the Limite de Parcelas no Pagamento/Recebimento em Lote field, enter the maximum amount of installment search results allowed in the paying and receiving in bulk feature.
By default, this field is populated with the 150 amount. That is the maximum amount supported by BRHub.
Click the Contabilidade subtab.
On this subtab you can set the subsidiary’s default accounting preferences.
In the Conta Redutora Cancelamento field, select the receivables account.
NetSuite uses the receivables account, in the event of a cancellation, to reverse the amounts. This differs from the profits and losses account.
In the Conta Débito Juros field, select the account from which paid interest is debited.
In the Conta Crédito Juros field, select the account to which collected interest is credited.
In the Conta Débito Multa field, select the account from which paid fines are debited.
In the Conta Crédito Multa field, select the account to which collected fines are credited.
In the Conta Débito Desconto field, select the account from which discounts granted are debited.
In the Conta Crédito Desconto field, select the account to which discounts obtained are credited.
In the Conta Adiantamento Despachante field, select the customs expenses account for imports.
In the Conta de Devolução field, select the account for the reversal of amounts resulting from a return.
In the Conta Débito Nota de Débito field, select the account from which debit notes are debited.
In the Conta Crédito Nota de Débito field, select the account to which debit notes are credited.
(Optional) If the municipal tax authority does not let you cancel electronic invoices (NFS-e) outside the issuing month, check Reclassificação Cancelamento Fora do Mês. This enables a reclassification account.
The reclassification account for NFS-e cancelled outside the issuing month must be set on the item record. For more information about items records, see Setting Up Items for Brazilian Hub.
In the Conta Operação Interempresarial field, select the account to which to post intercompany operations.
In the Conta Adiantamento de Importação Combustíveis field, select the account to which to post advance payments of fuel imports.
In the Conta Débito IR Câmbio field, select the account to which to post income tax debits on the payment of currency exchange contracts.
Income tax credit is posted to the account selected in the payment transaction.
Click Save.
You should complete the record by entering all relevant subsidiary information:
Setting Up Tax Calculation for a Brazilian Subsidiary (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
Setting Up Tax Benefits Calculations for a Brazilian Subsidiary (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
Entering Profits or Losses Records for a Brazilian Subsidiary (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
Setting Tax Assessment Preferences for a Brazilian Subsidiary (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
Setting Bookkeeping Preferences for a Brazilian Subsidiary (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
Entering Information Related to the SIMP System (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
Enabling GNRE Generation for a Brazilian Subsidiary (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
Enabling CNAB Features for a Brazilian Subsidiary (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
Related Topics
- Brazilian Hub Setup
- Roles and Permissions for Brazilian Hub
- Setting Up User Preferences for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Setting Up the Brazilian Custom Address Form (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Setting Up the Brazilian Subsidiary (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Chart of Accounts for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Setting Up a Customer for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Setting Up a Vendor for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Setting Up an Employee for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)
- Setting Up Items for Brazilian Hub