Setting Up the Brazilian Subsidiary (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

Before setting up the Brazilian subsidiary, you must verify that your NetSuite role has the appropriate permissions to set up subsidiary preferences specific to Brazil.

To set up a Brazilian subsidiary:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Subsidiary > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter the name of this subsidiary.

  3. In the Parent Company Of, select the direct parent of this subsidiary.

  4. In the Legal Name field, enter the legal name of this subsidiary, as it appears on tax documents.

  5. In the Country field, select Brazil.

  6. In the State/Province field, enter your subsidiary’s state or federative unit.

  7. In the Language field, select Português (Brasil).

  8. In the Currency field, select Real.

    If the Real option is not in the list, you may need to set up the Brazilian currency in your account. For more information about currency records, see Currency Management.

  9. In the Address field, click Edit.

    In the popup address window, fill in the following fields:

    1. In the Country field, select Brazil.

    2. In the Address 1 field, enter the name of your subsidiary’s street.

    3. In the State field, enter your subsidiary’s state or federative unit.

    4. In the ZIP field, enter the postal code.

    5. In the Tipo Logradouro field, select the street suffix. For example, for a street, select Rua, for an avenue, select Avenida.

    6. In the Número field, enter the address number.

    7. In the Município field, select the subsidiary’s city.

      To select the city:

      1. Enter the city name.

      2. Press Tab.

        A dropdown list shows the options that match the name you entered.

      3. Select the matching option.

    8. (Optional) If you want to add information that helps to locate the address, in the Complemento field, enter the additional address information.

    9. In the Bairro field, enter your company’s distric name.

    10. Click OK.

  10. In the CNPJ field, enter the Brazilian tax identification number for this company (CNPJ).

    The value must be a 14-digit number in one of the following formats: XX.XXX.XXX/XXXX-XX or XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

  11. In the Municipal Subscription, enter the 15–digit Brazilian municipal tax identification number for this company.

  12. In the State Tax Subscription, enter the 14–digit Brazilian state tax identification number for this company.

  13. (Optional) If the company is doing business in the Manaus Free Trade Zone, in the SUFRAMA Subscription field, enter the company's SUFRAMA tax code.

  14. Enter additional information as necessary.

    For more information about the subsidiary record, see Creating Subsidiary Records.

  15. Click Save.

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