Paying Vendors with CNAB (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

With the Centro Nacional de Automação Bancária (CNAB) system, you can pay vendors through bank transfers or payment slips.

Paying Vendors Through Bank Transfer

You can pay your service providers and product suppliers through bank transfers with the CNAB system.

The following bank transfer methods are available with the Brazilian Hub SuiteApp:

  • 01 – Crédito em Conta Corrente

  • 03 – DOC/TED

  • 05 – Crédito em Conta Poupança

  • 41 – TED – Outra Titularidade

  • 43 – TED – Mesma Titularidade

To pay vendors through bank transfer:

  1. Go to Transactions > Payables > Enter Bills.

  2. In the Vendor field, select the vendor for this purchase.

  3. Enter the relevant information for the transaction.

    For more information about creating vendor bill transactions, see Vendor Bills.

  4. Click the Pagamentos subtab.

  5. In the Método de Pagamento field, select the payment method used to pay the vendor.

    If you have entered this information on the vendor record of the transaction’s vendor, this field is automatically filled with the default payment method you selected.

  6. In the Tipo de Serviço field, select the type of payment service used to pay the vendor.

    If you have entered this information on the vendor record of the transaction’s vendor, this field is automatically filled with the default payment service you selected.

  7. In the Câmara Centralizadora field, select the central clearing house code used to pay the vendor.

    Depending on the code you select on this field, NetSuite displays different additional fields on the subtab.

  8. In the Finalidade Complementar field, select the proper complementary purpose code of the transfer.


    This information is mandatory when you select the 000 -CCC central clearing house code. For the other codes, the requirement to provide this information varies between banks. Verify your bank’s requirements before sending the file to ensure the process is successful.

  9. If you selected the 700 -DOC central clearing house code, select the purpose code of the DOC transfer in the Finalidade DOC field.

  10. If you selected the 018 -TED CIP, 810 -TED STR, or the 888 -TED CIP/SRT central clearing house code, select the purpose code of the TED transfer in the Finalidade TED field.

  11. Review the information in the Banco do Favorecido, Agência do Favorecido, DV Agência do Favorecido, Conta do Favorecido, and DV Conta do Favorecido fields.

    These fields are automatically filled with the information entered on the vendor record of the transaction’s vendor. Verify if the information is correct. If not, you must edit the vendor record and then go back to the transaction record. You can only edit these fields on the vendor record.

  12. Click Save.

After you create the transaction, you must register the payment with the bank. To register the payment, you must include their information in a CNAB 240 delivery file and send it to the bank. For more information about generating a delivery file, see Generating a CNAB 240 Delivery File (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

Paying Vendors Through Bank Slips

Your service providers and product suppliers can issue you bank slips, which you can pay through the CNAB system.

The following payment slip methods are available with the Brazilian Hub SuiteApp:

  • 30 – Pagamento de títulos próprio banco

  • 31 – Pagamento de títulos outros bancos

To pay vendors through bank slips:

  1. Go to Transactions > Payables > Enter Bills.

  2. In the Vendor field, select the vendor for this purchase.

  3. Enter the relevant information for the transaction.

    For more information about creating vendor bill transactions, see Vendor Bills.

  4. Click the Pagamentos subtab.

  5. In the Método de Pagamento field, select the payment method used to pay the vendor.

    If you have entered this information on the vendor record of the transaction’s vendor, this field is automatically filled with the default payment method you selected.

  6. In the Tipo de Serviço field, select the type of payment service used to pay the vendor.

    If you have entered this information on the vendor record of the transaction’s vendor, this field is automatically filled with the default payment service you selected.

  7. Click Save.

    NetSuite saves the transaction record.

  8. In view mode, click the Parcelas subtab.

  9. Click Visualizar Parcelamento.

    The Parcelamento window opens.

  10. Click Adicionar Código de Barra.

  11. In the Tipo field, select the type of barcode you are entering.

    You can choose between Linha Digitável or Código de Barras.

  12. In the Linha Digitável/Código de Barras field, enter the barcode.

  13. Click Save.

After you create the transaction, you must register the payment with the bank. To register the payment, you must include their information in a CNAB 240 delivery file and send it to the bank. For more information about generating a delivery file, see Generating a CNAB 240 Delivery File (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

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