Setting Up Entity Records for Electronic Bank Payments with CNAB (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

To make bank payments with the Centro Nacional de Automação Bancária (CNAB) system, you must set up the entities you want to pay through this system.

With the Brazilian Hub SuiteApp, you can make electronic bank payments to:

To set up these entities, see the following topics in this section:

Setting Up a Vendor Record for Electronic Bank Payments with CNAB

Create vendor records for the service providers, product suppliers, utility companies, and government authorities to which you make payments with the CNAB system.

To set up a vendor for electronic bank payments with CNAB:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Vendors > New.

  2. Enter the relevant vendor information.

    For more information about creating a vendor record for Brazil, see Setting Up a Vendor for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

  3. Click the Address subtab.

  4. Click the pencil icon Pencil Icon in the Edit column.

    An address popup window displays address fields.

  5. In the Country field, select Brazil.

  6. In the Address 1 field, enter the street name.

  7. In the State field, enter the state or federative unit name.

  8. In the Zip field, enter the postal code.

  9. In the Tipo Logradouro field, select the street suffix.

    For example, for a street, select Rua, for an avenue, select Avenida.

  10. In the Número field, enter the address number.

  11. In the Município field, select the vendor’s city.

    To select the city:

    1. Enter the city name.

    2. Press Tab.

      A dropdown list shows the options that match the name you entered.

    3. Select the matching option.

  12. (Optional) If you want to add information that helps to locate the address, in the Complemento field, enter the additional address information.

  13. In the Bairro field, enter the district name.

  14. Click OK to close the popup window.

  15. In the Default Shipping column, check the box.

  16. Click Add to include the address.

    You can view the address under the Email | Phone | Address group, in the Address field.

  17. Click the Pagamento subtab.

  18. In the Método de Pagamento field, select the default payment method used to pay the vendor.

  19. In the Tipo de Serviço field, select the default type of payment service used to pay the vendor.

  20. In the Banco do Favorecido field, select the bank.

  21. In the Agência do Favorecido field, enter the bank branch number.

  22. In the DV Agência do Favorecido field, enter the bank branch’s check digit.

  23. In the Conta do Favorecido field, enter the bank account number.

  24. In the DV Conta do Favorecido field, enter the bank account’s check digit.

  25. Click Save.

Setting Up an Employee Record for Electronic Bank Payments with CNAB

Create employee records for the employees you reimburse with the CNAB system.

To set up an employee for electronic bank payments with CNAB:

  1. Go to Lists > Employees > Employees > New.

  2. Enter the relevant employee information.

    For more information about creating a employee record for Brazil, see Setting Up an Employee for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

  3. Click the Address subtab.

  4. Click the pencil icon Pencil Icon in the Edit column.

    An address popup window displays address fields.

  5. In the Country field, select Brazil.

  6. In the Address 1 field, enter the street name.

  7. In the State field, enter the state or federative unit name.

  8. In the Zip field, enter the postal code.

  9. In the Tipo Logradouro field, select the street suffix.

    For example, for a street, select Rua, for an avenue, select Avenida.

  10. In the Número field, enter the address number.

  11. In the Município field, select the employee’s city.

    To select the city:

    1. Enter the city name.

    2. Press Tab.

      A dropdown list shows the options that match the name you entered.

    3. Select the matching option.

  12. (Optional) If you want to add information that might facilitate identifying the address, in the Complemento field, enter the additional address information.

  13. In the Bairro field, enter the district name.

  14. Click OK to close the popup window.

  15. In the Default Shipping column, check the box.

  16. Click Add to include the address.

    You can view the address under the Email | Phone | Address group, in the Address field.

  17. Click the Pagamento subtab.

  18. In the Método de Pagamento field, select the default payment method used to pay the employee.

  19. In the Tipo de Serviço field, select the default type of payment service used to pay the employee.

  20. In the Banco do Favorecido field, select the bank.

  21. In the Agência do Favorecido field, enter the bank branch number.

  22. In the DV Agência do Favorecido field, enter the bank branch’s check digit.

  23. In the Conta do Favorecido field, enter the bank account number.

  24. In the DV Conta do Favorecido field, enter the bank account’s check digit.

  25. In the CPF Funcionário field, enter the employee’s Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) number.

  26. Click Save.

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