Viewing the TPAR Summary Report
You can view a summary report of all your reportable bill payments per Payee by clicking the Total GST or Gross amount paid box of the generated TPAR. To generate a Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR), see Generating Localized Country Tax Reports.
When you click a Payee’s Total GST or Gross amount paid, the Summary Report opens on a new browser tab. The generated Summary Report contains the following information:
Report period
Payee name
Payee ABN
Payee phone number
Payee address
Bill payment transaction number
Bill payment date
Withholding tax
GST paid
Gross amount paid
Page total
Grand total
You can exclude a bill payment from the Summary Report by clearing the Include box beside the reported bill payment. After clearing the box, click Submit to update the report. This action also updates the Include in TPAR boxes of the transactions records that declare it as reportable for TPAR. For more information about excluding bill payments from the Taxable Payments Annual Report, see Excluding Bill Payments from TPAR. You will then receive an email regarding your update. If the update is successful, you can generate a new TPAR to see your changes. If the update is unsuccessful, try submitting the changes again.
You can also drill through each bill payment by clicking the GST Paid or Gross Amount value hyperlink. For more information, see Viewing the TPAR Detailed Report.
To download the report in a spreadsheet, click the Export -MicrosoftExcel icon on the Country Tax Report -Australia Summary Report page.
Related Topics
- Viewing the TPAR Detailed Report
- Reporting Vendor Bills and Bill Payments on TPAR
- Setting Up the Taxable Payments Annual Report
- Taxable Payments Annual Report
- GST on Sales Summary Report
- GST on Sales Detail Report
- GST on Purchases Summary Report
- GST on Purchases Detail Report
- Viewing Australian Goods and Services Tax (GST) Reports
- Setting Tax Preferences for Australia
- Creating Tax Codes -Australia
- Australia Tax Codes
- Using Wine Equalization Tax (WET)
- Accounting for Goods and Services Tax (GST) -Australia
- Setting Up Your Business Activity Statement
- Australia Tax Topics
- Australia Payment Formats
- Shipping Integration with Australia Post
- Setting Up Australia-specific Preferences
- Australia Account Setup