Troubleshooting Guide for SuiteCloud SDK

This topic provides information about errors related to SuiteCloud SDK and how to solve them.

Authentication Errors

Error Message



Secure storage is inaccessible. Ensure that the secure storage in your system is properly configured and accessible.

The secure storage of the operating system is not accessible. It may be locked or not properly configured.

Check the OS-based secure storage service on your machine.

  • For Windows, ensure that Credentials Manager is working.

  • For MacOS, ensure that Keychain is working.

  • For Linux, ensure that the default keyring is available and unlocked. You can use Seahorse or another software that allows you to see the GNOME Keyring v2.22+/Libsecret.

As a temporary solution, while the secure storage issue is being resolved, you can use the SUITECLOUD_FALLBACK_PASSKEY environment variable to set the passkey for the credentials file.

If the credentials_browser_based.p12 file already exists and the passkey from secure storage cannot be retrieved, you must delete this file and authenticate again to be able to run operations that require authentication. After re-authenticating, the new credentials file will be saved with the new passkey provided in SUITECLOUD_FALLBACK_PASSKEY.

For more information, see Browser-Based Authentication Standard Process and Fallback Mode and Setting Up Environment Variables for SuiteCloud SDK Tools.

There was an error with the private key used to authenticate.

The private key does not match the certificate ID {0}.

When authenticating using machine-to-machine authentication, the specified private key and certificate ID do not match.

Ensure that you are using the correct private key and certificate ID combination.

There was an error with the private key used to authenticate. Verify the contents of the private key.

When authenticating using machine-to-machine authentication, the specified private key file is either corrupted or not valid.

Generate a new certificate. For information about how to obtain the certificate ID, see OAuth 2.0 Authentication for SuiteCloud SDK.

There was an error with the certificate ID used to authenticate.

Verify that certificate ID {0} is valid and not expired or revoked in account {1}.

When authenticating using machine-to-machine authentication, the specified certificate ID is not valid.

Ensure that OAuth 2.0 is enabled in the account. For more information, see Enable the OAuth 2.0 Feature.

Verify that the certificate ID is valid. In the NetSuite account, go to Setup > Integration > Manage Authentication > OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials (M2M) Setup.

Credentials and Passkey Errors

Error Message



The current passkey cannot decrypt the credentials file {0}.

Try deleting the file and setting up your account again.

The current passkey is different from the passkey used to create the existing credentials file.

If the passkey is set in the environment variable SUITECLOUD_FALLBACK_PASSKEY or SUITECLOUD_CI_PASSKEY, verify that the provided passkey is the correct one.

If you don't have the passkey for the existing credentials file, you need to delete the credentials file from the C:\Users\<username>\.suitecloud-sdk folder, then set up your account again using any of the SuiteCloud SDK tools.


When you delete the existing credentials file, previously configured authentication IDs will be lost.

When you re-authenticate, a new credentials file will be generated with the correct passkey. If the passkey is set in the SUITECLOUD_FALLBACK_PASSKEY or SUITECLOUD_CI_PASSKEY environment variable, this passkey will be used to encrypt the new credentials file. Otherwise, if you use browser-based authentication, a new passkey will be generated and stored in the secure storage.

The passkey required to decrypt your credentials is missing.

Try deleting the credentials file {0} and setting up your account again.

The passkey is missing or there is a problem with the Oracle NetSuite: Account Credentials entry in the OS-based secure storage.

Delete the credentials file from the C:\Users\<username>\.suitecloud-sdk folder, then set up your account again using any of the SuiteCloud SDK tools.


When you delete the existing credentials file, previously configured authentication IDs will be lost.

When you re-authenticate, a new credentials file and passkey will be generated, and the passkey will be stored in the secure storage.

Credentials passkey could not be retrieved from the secure storage.

Try deleting the current credentials file {0} and setting up your account again.

There was a problem in retrieving the passkey from secure storage.

Delete the credentials file from the C:\Users\<username>\.suitecloud-sdk folder, then set up your account again using any of the SuiteCloud SDK tools.


When you delete the existing credentials file, previously configured authentication IDs will be lost.

The credentials passkey set in the environment variable {0} must be between 32 and 100 alphanumeric characters.

The passkey provided in the environment variable does not meet the required criteria.

Specify a passkey that contains 32 to 100 alphanumeric characters.

The credentials passkey set in secure storage must be between 32 and 100 alphanumeric characters.

The passkey stored in the secure storage does not meet the required criteria.

Delete the credentials file from the C:\Users\<username>\.suitecloud-sdk folder, then set up your account again using any of the SuiteCloud SDK tools.


When you delete the existing credentials file, previously configured authentication IDs will be lost.

Execution Context Errors

Error Message



The following environment variables are currently set: {0}.

The operation you are trying to perform is not allowed with the current environment variable configuration.

Your current setup does not meet the conditions for any of the valid execution contexts.

For example, both SUITECLOUD_CI_PASSKEY and SUITECLOUD_FALLBACK_PASSKEY environment variables are set.

Review the environment variable configuration for the execution context that you want to use and ensure that your environment is properly configured in the Execution Context for Secure Credentials Storage table.

In the current execution context, you can perform only machine-to-machine authentication or operations that do not require authentication.

Only the SUITECLOUD_CI_PASSKEY environment variable is set, and you are trying to perform operations that require NetSuite authentication.

If you want to use machine-to-machine authentication (CI/CD), set the SUITECLOUD_CI environment variable to 1.

If you want to use browser-based authentication, remove the SUITECLOUD_CI_PASSKEY environment variable.

Machine-to-machine authentication is not allowed for the current execution context.

You are trying to run machine-to-machine authentication, but the required environment variables are not properly configured.

Ensure that the following environment variables are set:


  • SUITECLOUD_CI_PASSKEY (must contain 32 to 100 alphanumeric characters)

Browser-based authentication is not allowed for the current execution context.

The SUITECLOUD_CI_PASSKEY environment variable is set, and you are trying to run browser-based authentication.

Remove the SUITECLOUD_CI_PASSKEY environment variable.

Secure storage is available, but the SUITECLOUD_FALLBACK_PASSKEY is set. Remove the fallback passkey to use secure storage.

The SUITECLOUD_FALLBACK_PASSKEY environment was set when secure storage was unavailable, but it was not removed after the secure storage issue is fixed.

Remove the SUITECLOUD_FALLBACK_PASSKEY environment variable.

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