SuiteCloud SDK Overview


Starting February 2025, SuiteCloud SDK version 24.1, the last version that supports Token-Based Authentication (TBA) and OAuth 1.0, will no longer be available for new installations. If you are still using older versions of the SuiteCloud SDK tools, you should upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible. For more information, see Removal of OAuth 1.0 Token-Based Authentication Support in SuiteCloud SDK (SuiteAnswer ID 1019514).

SuiteCloud Software Development Kit (SuiteCloud SDK) are the tools that allow you to customize accounts through SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF).

Use the SDK tools to work with an IDE plug-in or an extension to develop SuiteCloud projects. If you are familiar with an IDE or a code editor of your choice, use SuiteCloud Command Line Interface (SuiteCloud CLI) through a terminal to develop SuiteCloud projects.

The following tools are available:

For a list of the available features for each tool, see Overview of Features by Tool.


Before using any of the SuiteCloud SDK tools, ensure that your role fulfills all the requirements. For more information, see Assigning the Developer Role (Administrator Only).

Sample projects

If you are not familiar with how SuiteCloud projects work, you can download sample projects that are ready to be used. You can modify the SuiteScript files, SDF custom objects, and all the files within the projects as you see fit. For more information, see SuiteCloud Customization Tutorials.


To work with these SuiteCloud projects in SuiteCloud CLI for Node.js, first run suitecloud project:create to create a SuiteApp project. Then, download a ZIP file from the Help Center and extract its contents in the src folder of the SuiteApp you created.

General Notices